Monday, October 14, 2013

Praxis: Lightweight and compact way to carry around 180 rounds:

A reader sends this link to a review of the Grey Ghost Gear 6 mag bandoleer.
He comments: "As light as it gets, but . . . I can't help but wonder about rattle and clunking noise vs. standard pouches, though."
Yeah, and with the mags being held in by nothing save elastic tension, it reminds me of those shotgun bandoleers that shed shells like crumbs from Hansel and Gretel running through the forest. Anyone have any experience with these?
Grey Ghost link.
Gear Whores Anonymous review.


Anonymous said...

They tried this in Vietnam in 1966. It didn't work in combat.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the magazines could be wrapped in tape, to mitigate some of the noise.

Anonymous said...

I waited several months after this product was announced, and bought one when they became available. While well made, this design doesn't work very well in practice. I'm 6' 1", 225 lbs, and even on my large frame there doesn't seem to be enough room for all six of those mags across my chest. No matter how many/few mags you place in the bandoleer, the bandoleer wants to rotate so the mags are as close to your waistline as possible, and no matter how tight you try to get it to fit, the mags will not stay pressed neatly against your body (they tip out and lean forward. I was hopeful this would be nice solution for carrying mags, but it's so awkward and easily/frequently gets in the way that I quickly decided that carrying 4-6 lbs of magazines this way is a more of a liability and a hinderance than it is helpful.

Anonymous said...

I think it would require the use of both hands to remove a magazine being held by elastic. If I'm right, that wouldn't be good for combat use.

- Old Greybeard