Monday, October 14, 2013

Praxis: Latest hype on full armor. Next thing you know, the politicians will be wearing them.

Iron Man army: US military developing armor that allows special ops commandos to walk through stream of bullets, see in the dark, heal wounds and monitor vital signs.
"The U.S. military is developing a new uniform for troops that will be bullet-proof, enhance the wearer's strength, heal wounds by temporarily stopping bleeding and display the soldier's vital signs."
"[The] requirement is a comprehensive family of systems in a combat armor suit where we bring together an exoskeleton with innovative armor, displays for power monitoring, health monitoring, and integrating a weapon into that — a whole bunch of stuff that RDECOM is playing heavily in,' Lt. Col. Karl Borjes, a U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command (RDECOM) science adviser, said in a statement."
Doesn't say much about how to avoid headshots.


jon said...

another harebrained RFP with nothing to back it up.

APCs can drive through "streams of bullets" and they're cheaper to produce right now (and convey more than one person!) than the very first such suit will be to even develop and test.

automatic triage does nothing for broken bones, organ failure, or shock except possibly save the life of the corpsman who maybe doesn't have to run into the open to retrieve you for an extra 15-30 seconds. the suit itself already protects the wearer against all kinds of injuries that the triage system could actually deal with. it has to be sufficiently tough to operate after being shot.

turn a single individual into a tank, and they'll still just be shot at with anti-armor rounds. if their external properties are now that of a vehicle, then treat them like a vehicle.

about the only value it has would be to draw small arms fire to reveal combatant positions. the sensors built into it, when shot, could help to automatically relay the shooter's general position to a HUD or to some other display the rest of the squad/platoon/etc. is carrying. but you could build a system like that of just sensors, without armoring the wearer, for much cheaper.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how it does against 6 to 8 point blank 12 gauge buck shot rounds or sabots from a 12 gauge at 10 feet?
I bet it would knock the assailant on his ass, at least good enough to save one for the head shot..

also how does it do on very small fast projectiles , like a really hot 223 or lupa?

AJ said...

Just more defense contractor pork.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like an Iron Man comic book!

Anonymous said...

How is one going to bleed within if it's bullet proof? Make no mistake - robo cops are coming. But let's not fool ourselves into thinking this is for military application outside this country. These suits will be used within this country against a people who've been disarmed of anti tank rounds.

Against US.

Anonymous said...

Find a copy online of "The Consultant" and read what Jeff Schwartz had to say about such things.

Anonymous said...

"How is one going to bleed within if it's bullet proof?"

'Bullet proof' rhymes with 'Unsinkable'

Unless you can ban the components of an improvised bomb, including fuel/air bombs*, even robocops would be vulnerable.

And that's assuming they are self-directed and not remote controlled drones with a vulnerable operaator.

*ever suck up a string of unused capgun caps into an almost full vacuum cleaner bag?

Anonymous said...

That sounds really wonderful. I'll bet the Democrats think we could afford it and the Elephants will probably go along with it. I truly do wish we could afford it for our soldiers.

- Old Greybeard

Big Country said...

Read the ORIGINAL "Starship Troopers" by Robert Heinlein (not that shlock crapfest movie) and the Mobile Infantry Suits of that novel are pretty much what the future holds... I'd say 40-50 years down the road, depending on nanotech power development and other issues...

Anonymous said...

Wonder how well it will work while covered with sticky, burning gasoline?

Anonymous said...

More fucking crap for us to fucking carry while on fucking patrol...

Foxtrot Tango Sierra.

That whole thing probably weighs about as much as I do, and I still have to lug around a full canteen of water, extra loaded magazines, my rifle, not to mention all the other things that we have to carry around, all while risking being turned into human meatloaf if an IED goes off.

I don't really care if it's "supposed" to be powered so that it doesn't weigh as much. I, and a lot of other guys down throughout the history of warfare, have found out that more often than not, the way things are "supposed" to work, and how they "actually" work in serious, life-or-death combat situations are very different

If an IED goes off, and I'm being shot at by a bunch of Hajjis, I'll take my chances behind some real cover, and not that high-tech crap.

I'm really worried that one day, 20-50 years from now, a single EMP-weapon will be aimed at a group troops on the battlefield wearing things like that, frying the circuits in that thing, and it'll be turned into a multimillion dollar paperweight, and the poor guy(s) inside of it/them might not be able to get out in time and get back into the fight before the enemy kills him.

Anonymous said...

Unsinkable? Riight. Interestingly, California just took a huge step forward banning lead ammo (for hunting is the premise ). Now, if you think the goal is not to ban everything possible on that front then I got a bridge to sell you. MEK is already toast and acetone isn't far behind. Heck, fireworks like common place black cat firecrackers and bottle rockets bans are already growing rapidly.

Add to that China's grip in rate earths and the idiocy that is the usurpers signing of the small arms treaty and the picture comes into focus clearly - to those willing to open their eyes.

Back to bulletproof for a sec. How about just keeping it real by telling the truth. Bullet resistant. Is it too much to expect simple truth told?

Anonymous said...

It is impossible to ban everything that could possibly be used to make an explosive.

It wouldn't matter if a suit of armor *was* actually completely immune to physical damage. Until they come up with an 'Inertial Damper' that could dump the energy, a blast might not even scratch the suit but whoever was wearing it would be have to be buried in a bucket.