The ORIGINAL gathering place for a merry band of Three Percenters. (As denounced by Bill Clinton on CNN!)
Monday, October 7, 2013
Mad Max biker shows his civility and class.
Strangely, the link for New York Daily News story no longer works.
"Man charged as biker caught on video using helmet to smash window of SUV before beating Reggie Chance was accused of smashing the window of SUV driver Alexian Lien, who was then brutally beaten by gang of bikers. A NYPD detective in group claims he only showed up at end of assault."
"Reggie Chance lets his true feelings out at his arraignment Sunday. Chance is accused of taking part in the Sept. 29 beatdown of SUV driver Alexian Lien and is charged with assault, gang assault and criminal mischief."
A web search on the quoted text gets me a link to the original article, which as you point out was removed from
Here's a related article, but not the one you quoted:
Reggie Chance looks more like Obama's son than did Trayvon Martin. Obama gives us the finger every day he is in office. Yep! A chip off the old block. It's a gene thing.
Just one more reason that I NEVER leave home without my pistol. I used to take along a folding-stock AK inside a large bank bag back when I used to service ATM Machines. Might be time to start carrying it again. Boy Scout Motto: BE PREPARED.
A web search on the quoted text gets me a link to the original article, which as you point out was removed from
Here's a related article, but not the one you quoted:
Notice the "HOODIE" .....
Shoulda knowed it.....
Another one of those old angry white guy troublemakers. Just like the Naval Yard shooting and White House fence crash in D. C.
So where on his bike did this guy have his AR15?
Quick question..... What causes them to go off the rail when they're winning?
Reggie Chance looks more like Obama's son than did Trayvon Martin. Obama gives us the finger every day he is in office. Yep! A chip off the old block. It's a gene thing.
Just one more reason that I NEVER leave home without my pistol. I used to take along a folding-stock AK inside a large bank bag back when I used to service ATM Machines. Might be time to start carrying it again. Boy Scout Motto: BE PREPARED.
Now you see why NY wants it's citizens disarmed..
had that mutt pulled that and daddy was armed half of them scumbags might be dead and rotting already.
Yank lll
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