Friday, October 4, 2013

Finally. Harry Reid and I agree on something.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid privately told fellow Democratic senators this week what he really thought of Speaker John Boehner. . . “He’s a coward!” Reid exclaimed.
Of course my opinion of Old Yellowstain is informed by his performance during the Gunwalker Scandal -- a shamelessly spineless performance if there ever was one.
LATER: "Boehner Prepared to Cave-In to Obama." Well, I never doubted THAT for a minute. Cave-in is Boehner's default response.


Mt Top Patriot said...

"Boehner Tells Republicans He Won’t Let the Nation Default"

Old yellow balls and his quisling guard by default are responsible for default of a constitutional government.

They where the last remaining republican form of government capable of lawful impediment to the long march.

That shit stain and his spineless cohorts sealed all our fate.

The second they fold it is game on.
There is nothing for it but be ready.

Default is all the tyrants need to bring to fruition the full on destruction of America.

The unintended consequences of avoiding the dramatic need to default, in order to set in motion the changes required to face with honesty, reason, and redress, the perils facing this here constitutional republic, will set in motion a default setting of resistance to the tyranny that created this fucking disaster in the first instance.

They have to be out of their fucking minds. The dire straights these fools and psychopaths are gaming is a direct path to revolution.

The world is controlled by suicidal maniacs.

Anonymous said...

Word is that Boehner has been assured that bringing a "clean CR" to the floor of the House for an unrestricted vote will mean his days as Speaker are numbered.

And it would be a small number indeed.