Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Hardly surprising. Collectivist's are not known for their sense of humor. (And, being image manipulators in service to the borg, they understand the power inherent therein.)

Democrats' images are sacred while Republicans' are demonized.


Anonymous said...

It always amuses me how the gander reacts to having some alinskysauce splashed back on it.

MamaLiberty said...

Oh my... disrespecting the pimple on the Potomac? Will Rogers is crying in Heaven.

As for me... there are no words in any language adequate to express my contempt and disrespect for Obama, or anyone else who thinks they own me and have any right to control my life or property.

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine the howls of outrage if thousands starting wearing these masks?

Anonymous said...

The radio this morning reported that the rodeo clown is banned for life in participating in the MO State Fair, the announcer resigned his position, and something about funds being withheld from the state fair. Sad.

Dr. D said...

Seems that a simple rodeo clown stirred up a hornets nest, historically clowns have had tacit approval to lampoon any one, even in the former Soviet Union. Now any one remotely connected to the Rodeo has to under go "sensitivity training". Perhaps the lesson to be taken here is that mocking the enemy is a very effective way to distract and render them irreverent in the public eye.

For the Republic, III%
C.O. Ben W. Hooper Bgd

Anonymous said...

I wonder if I can get some mud flaps for my truck with O'Bummers face on them. If the mud collects on his face (facing forward) no one will be able to see them. If his face is facing the rear, some racist will piss and moan about O'Bummer looking behind me. Either way just looking at his mud covered face will give me a nice warm feeling.

Gunny G said...

That clown mask hit too close to home for the Entertainer-in-Chief.