Well, that was less than optimal.
Just got done bandaging my forehead and nose from a spectacular face plant in my rock-strewn ditch out front. Was burning brush and leaves, my open-toed shoe (worn because of my formerly infected toe which is almost healed) slid on the rubble and, bam! I gashed my forehead and the bridge of my nose and purt near knocked me unconscious right next to the blazing stump. Two neighbors saw me and didn't move a muscle. I think they were silently betting on the odds of me going up in flames. Anyway, I extricated myself and came inside to bandage my wounds. Hope they heal up before Texas on 1 June.
The only thing more awesome than hurting yourself: Discovering there were witnesses...
I am wondering iffin the neighbors are federal plants to keep track of you and were hoping beyond hope you did torch on so they could go home and get on with their miserable lives and bother other patriotic citizens. Careful out there Mike, us diabetics can't get too rambunctious. Look at the bright side, scars to impress and brag about...
Not-Original Idaho Bob
Oh boy did I ever get a big chuckle out of your fiery rocky ditch misfortune Mike and your comment on the neighbors standing by anticipating a flare up sent me into orbital laughter! Though I really doubt this story. I think what happened is you were accosted on your property by SPLC or CSVG acolytes punishing you for tripping up our President in 4 or 5 different scandals thus taking his attention off abusing the American Militia and gun owners. Actually these bodily marks will make you appear a much more formidable opponent, causing some to wonder if you could tussle with and physically torment them should they lose physical control of their emotions. Glad you survived now please go check your PO Box for more incoming mags!
Darn! I'm sorry your "neighbors" are cretins...
I hope you have rosemary and oregano in the kitchen. Take a tablespoon of each and make a fairly strong tea of that combo in a quart of water, and add a teaspoon of salt to it. Add another quart of cold water, and use some of that to wash, bathe your scrapes and cuts. This will be antibacterial, and promote rapid healing.
Well, not that you need any more reminders, just think of this as one more -- ahhmm -- reminder -- of your (and all of our) mortality and fallible humanity.
And of the dip-shit-ness of neighbors that don't come to the help.
No concussion, I hope. Take it easy, lots of rest and aqueous fluids for a day or two.
B Woodman
Well, gee - if your first reaction is to look around and see who's watching, you must be OK!
Must be plumb tuckered out from that run to Pennsylvania this morning...
(Go to "https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction_input" and track "9114901075742637330981" if you want a good laugh - those 30 round mags are fast - from Pinson to PA in 15 minutes!)
Seriously, take care and have a blessed weekend.
AKA Scarface Vanderboegh...
Glad you're okay, Mike.
Sorry to hear about your neighbors. They're like a lot of folks these days. Cant be bothered to help a neighbor, bit I bet they bitch about the lack of neighbors caring for neighbors.
Though they be heartless bastards, you're not. I bet you'd run to help them if the roles were reversed. Some of us just can't help the way we're wired. We even go to help those who wouldn't lift a finger to help us.
We're better than that, to borrow a phrase.
Here in Dakota Territory people like that are not neighbors. That term is reserved for people that are deserving of the term.
Be careful out there Mike, the world is full of rattle snakes.
Some neighbors.....
Dang, did almost the same thing two days ago. Was almost done with my daily run, rolled my ankle and went down like a dropped brick. Caught myself with left hand and the road treated my palm like a cheese-grater but I saved my pretty face. Left hand is shredded, will take a week or two to heal...
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