The ORIGINAL gathering place for a merry band of Three Percenters. (As denounced by Bill Clinton on CNN!)
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Trying to wrap up affairs to get on the road to Temple, Texas. . .
"Well it's a nice, soft night, so I think I'll go and join me comrades, and talk a little treason."
Probably won't leave now until very early Friday morning. It's a twelve hour haul out there so I'll be getting into town Friday night if things remain as they are, Lord willing and the creek don't rise. Looking forward to seeing all you Texas Threepers on Saturday. Plans after the rally are still up in the air, but I may be able to take my time returning, allowing me to "talk a little treason" on Saturday night and Sunday with my fellow "insurrectionists." If anyone wants to get together for dinner in Temple Saturday evening, email me and we'll see what we can work out.
I'll try to post some more tonight and early tomorrow morning, and keep me and my friends in your prayers for a safe journey out and back.
Just spent all my gas money on ammo, gotta buy it when you can. Vaya con Dios. Tell us how it went. I want to see pictures. MSM sure as hell, will not cover it
I'm looking forward to meeting you in Temple.
WarriorClass III
Fair winds and good fortune
Wasn't JESUS an insurrectionist?I feel you'll be in good company!
Have been trying to figure a way of going .... but it is impossible. It would be great to see the "crew" all in one spot again, been a very long time.
I will be thinking and praying for you and everyone that your travels and mission will go smoothly.
Just spent all my gas money on ammo, gotta buy it when you can. Vaya con Dios. Tell us how it went. I want to see pictures. MSM sure as hell, will not cover it
Happy trails.
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