Thursday, May 2, 2013

Well, of course it does.

"DHS Training Video Uses Gun Owners, Not Radical Muslims, to Depict Those Planning Terrorist Attacks."
The thing is, if WE are their self-declared enemy, then THEY can't object if we treat them in kind, now can they?


Anonymous said...

Funny thing about those propaganda movies...they always win.

"Buy the ticket, take the ride."
Hunter S. Thompson


SWIFT said...

The agenda of the Homies, among others, is so clear that patriots should be forewarned and forearmed. They mean to replace the Republic with a Police State, seemingly, at all costs. With the MSM being nothing more than mouth pieces for the Administration, we've already lost the war of words.

Anonymous said...

Things are really getting scary out there...

Anonymous said...

The 500 meter solution to the Marxist intrusion is coming.
They may have ammo, but they don't have enough people.
Hell, they just turned thousands of Christian military against them.


Anonymous said...

Well, if somebody is considerate enough to invite you to a war it would be churlish to refuse, wouldn't it?

Anonymous said...

"[I]f WE are their self-declared enemy, then THEY can't object if we treat them in kind, now can they?"

They can object. They can object just as loud and long as they want. Problem is it JUST WON'T DO THEM ANY GOOD!

Yeah, they have a lot of ammo - FOR NOW! But something tells me that the militia types in the locales where those ammo storage dumps are located already have plans in place for "relieving" them of it - complete with "thank you" note for their generous storage of it.

Anonymous said...

Just remember ... when the government has all the ammunition, the government will be the only place to get ammunition. Logistics, logistics, logistics!

Anonymous said...

Try putting up a target at your local range of one of those govt ninjas in hoods and see how fast your friendly NRA rated range officers bounces you out.

Yank lll