Tuesday, May 7, 2013

To a collectivist screed writer: "Why you should get down on your knees and thank whatever god you worship that there is an NRA."

Dave Perry, latter-day Julius Streicher.
Well, here I go again, trying to warn a latter-day Julius Streicher about the unintended consequences of his actions. The offending screed: We can only save ourselves from kidnappers at the NRA -- I’m talking about the real terrorist threat here in America: the National Rifle Association
My reply:
-----Original Message-----
From: georgemason1776@aol.com
To: dperry dperry@aurorasentinel.com
Sent: Tue, May 7, 2013 9:38 am
Subject: re: Why you should get down on your knees and thank whatever god you worship that there is an NRA.
My dear Mr. Perry,
Having read your histrionic screed on the National Rifle Association, wherein you label them, among other things, "freaks," "terrorists," "liars," and extortionists, I must say that it is one of the most remarkable examples of evil hysteria since your fellow newspaperman Julius Streicher declared that "The Jew is a devil in human form (and) it is fitting that he be exterminated root and branch." You may recall that Streicher was Hitler's favorite "journalist" and shaped the predicate of the Holocaust with his Nazi propaganda. You may also recall that he met a fitting end at Nuremberg in 1946, dancing the executioner's jig.
Here is what he looked like afterward, in a commonplace outcome of the iron-clad Law of Unintended Consequences:
As near as I can figure out by sifting through your frenzied illogic and dehumanizing name calling (another Streicher trademark), you seem distressed that the NRA, using long accepted political methods which are perfectly legal, has frustrated the demands of the citizen disarmament advocates for more of American firearm owners' liberty and property. You label these five million of your fellow citizens a "cancerous threat" -- the same language that Streicher used referring to the Jews. I conclude therefore that your use of such dehumanizing language has the same purpose as Streicher's -- to literally deny the humanity of people you seek to marginalize, oppress and, if they prove too troublesome to your collectivist purpose, kill. (I refer you to Victor Klemperer's classic, The Language of the Third Reich.)
Oh, you will claim, that is hyperbole. Your "purpose" you claim (even to the point of self-delusion) is to save lives and "stop the carnage" of garden-variety felons and the rare mass shooter. Yet does not every federal law come with the threat of arrest for non-compliance? Are not the raid parties who enforce them not armed to the teeth and prepared to use deadly force? You may ask the Davidians, if you can find any left alive. So your allegedly benign purpose -- which your dehumanizing propaganda serves -- comes wrapped in a threat of iron-fisted violence from the state. Couple that with the fact that it seeks to further rob us of our pre-existing and eternal God-given, natural and inalienable rights to life, liberty and property as passed down from the Founders, which the Constitution merely codifies, and perhaps even someone as fact-challenged as yourself might be willing to admit that when seen from our side of the argument, that makes you little more than a latter-day Streicher, using your newspaper for the advocacy of tyrannical state power.
Which brings me to the reason why you should get down on your knees and thank whatever god you worship that there IS an NRA.
You see, as long as the political process works to frustrate your appetite for our liberty and property, no one's life is at risk. It is only when you defeat political advocacy groups such as the NRA and Gun Owners of America with the passage of your tyrannical laws that other methods of redress kick in. For when democracy turns to tyranny, the armed citizen still gets to vote. And it seems to me more than mildly ironic that in your alleged crusade to "stop the carnage" that you are willing to stack up hundreds of thousands of bodies in another civil war of those whom you have dehumanized in order that you may work your will upon us. Indeed, how many of us are you willing to kill to achieve your purpose? A hundred thousand? Five? A million? Ten million? For that is what it will take. Ask yourself now how big the mass graves you seek need to be.
In addition, it is merely polite to point out that those who are willing to die for their principles are most often willing to kill in righteous self-defense of them as well. Also pertinent are Bill Clinton's changes to the U.S. military's rules of engagement in 1999, when he declared the political, intellectual and media underpinnings of the Serbian war effort to be legitimate targets of war. Streicher, had he been Milosovic's propagandist, would not have had to wait for a war crimes tribunal to settle his account. His dehumanizing propaganda in service of the tyrannical state would have been terminated by a precision-guided munition, or a rifle bullet -- which amounts to the same thing.
Thus you should arise from your bed and thank whatever god you worship that the NRA -- and the political system it is able to use to frustrate your purpose -- exists. The alternative is bloody massacre on a scale this country has never seen. Or, as the Chinese say, "be careful what you wish for, you may get it."
Your fellow dehumanizing propagandist Julius Streicher could tell you that, if you can summon up the shade of his tormented soul from Hell.
Mike Vanderboegh
PO Box 926
Pinson, AL 35126


Ike said...

Mr. Perry started his diatribe with "I have seen the light." Really? How could he see any light with his head stuck so far up his own backside?

Then he went on to say, "After all these years, I now agree that it’s fruitless to give the benefit of the doubt to people who are so obviously corrupt, so clearly
malevolent, so bent on hurting innocent people for their own sick gain."

I completely agree. He described himself far better than I can......

Ashrak said...


An interesting blurb about state run media "back in the day"

Licensing of the press and laws against printing and books etc.

I e said for a long time that orgs should turn away from setting sights on government and its actors - turning instead to so called " mainstream media".

I loved this letter mike and than you for writing it and sending it. Teaching those "journalists" that they are arguing against their own rights, indeed their own livelihood when they play their loyalist cards in anti gun rights screeds is EXACTLY how we beat back corruption in government. For politicians fearing ink as much as they fear bullets is what will drive the corrupt from political authority without having to fight that bloody revolutionary war you warned him of.

Well done!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Mike. It is very good to see you actually praising The NRA.
The wife and I just returned from The NRA's annual meetings in Houston. We wish you coulda been there. By the way, I just heard Larry Pratt on Mike Huckabee's radio show. I'm very glad GOA exists, too. We gunowners need all the help we can get there days against the tide of ignorance and stupidity that exists.
- Old Greybeard

David Forward said...

Actually, all of this attention directed toward Dave Perry, even if it is to point out his desire for more government tyranny and calls for the imprisonment or death of all those who disagree with him and label him as one of the most prominent left wing hypocrites alive, is probably running a tingle up his leg ala Chis Mathews.

I quit reading the Sentinel (I live in Aurora) many years ago because it became just a left wing throw-a-way weekly neighborhood screed (Perry is not the first or only left wing hypocrite involved). However, some of my more "mainstream sheeple" or progressive friends and neighbors still read the rag for the local news presented in a slanted format that helps them cling to their cognitive dissonance lives in face of the harsh reality all around them.

Even those neighbors have often commented on how bizarre and out of touch with reality Perry is and never read his mental dribbling and drools thinking that he is a fool who couldn't get a legitimate job even in our left leaning effete lamestream media.This column has garnered him national attention, albeit as a tyranny loving fool, and probably has him on cloud nine with joy for "finally being recognized." He's like an awkward and inept perpetually horny teenager who's only joy is having a female (other than his mother) look at him and smile -- even if in pity -- and receiving months of masturbatory fantasies as a result.

Perry has finally achieved recognition, albeit as a national fool, and is gloating with his new found masturbatory fantasies

Mt Top Patriot said...

Amen Mike.

Thanks for telling that collectivist lickspittle the terrible truth.

May even a tiny bit of the unintended consequences of this pyscopaths brain function give reason to pause in their headlong rush to kill everything in ultimate tyrannical spite.

Charles N. Steele said...

Very well said!

I will likely never get over my astonishment that the progressives claim to favor democracy and empowerment of the people, and simultaneously are outraged by their political opposition and want to entirely eliminate them.

I don't think it's always just hypocrisy -- I think many of them are quite sincere on both points. And there's no contradiction in that position if they see their political opposition as less-than-human.

This is a very dangerous thing, and one reason I own guns.

Anonymous said...

Yep right up thier with comrade,s Lickenpooper and Moron

bondmen said...

Mike that photo of Dave Perry, latter-day Julius Streicher is not only reprehensible it is artistically offensive. Did you photo shop it to make it so repulsive and vile to the eye? Excuse me while I wretch in the nearby waste basket...

Well that didn't help one little bit, I'm still sick looking at it so will now cut out black construction paper and paste it over the horrid image to save my eyes and health from further insult and offense. Sir would you please alert your readers in the future when posting such pornographic and vile images? Thank you.

David Forward said...

Mr. Perry has added a post script to his original opinion piece (located at the end of the original, highlighted in light blue). As far as I can see he just doubled down on his original ignorance and advocacy of more government control (tyranny), but I've been known to be wrong before....

Dave said...

Excellent letter. Although I might have used Stalin's treatment of the kulaks as perhaps a more fitting analogue.

Steve Adams said...

Well done!!!