Friday, May 3, 2013

Obama vows to keep at gun control: 'This is just the first round'

What? Are they going to try Fast and Furious again?


Anonymous said...

Adam Kokesh is calling for an armed march on Washington on the 4rth of July.

July could be an interesting month.


Anonymous said...

ME!! (waves hands wildly in fhe air) ME ME ME!! How do I go about declaring myself an indepentent country (like Mexico) so I can be in line for the next F&F gun handout??

B Woodman

Anonymous said...

How many innocent Mexican men, women, and children, killed by weapons that were supplied by our criminal government, are looking down upon us from Heaven now, crying out for vengeance for their lives cut short?

I fear the actual number will never be known. Their names will be airbrushed out of history.

Is the spirit of Brian Terry calling out for revenge at the betrayal by his own Commander and Chief?

I wouldn't blame Mexico one bit if they declared war on the us for Fast and Furious. Although that would require the Mexican government to NOT be joined at the hip with the drug cartels.