Friday, May 3, 2013

NBC Chicago seems surprised US is a republic, rather than 'democracy'

In the end, CSGV's (and friends') biggest problem will be that they are hellbent on attacking the rights of precisely the wrong minority.


Anonymous said...

Hey Mike, check this out. Watch the video:

Anonymous said...

Majority rules?

So what if the majority favored slavery for blacks, or death for homosexuals and theives?

Would the progressive belief in "majority rules" be as firm in these cases?

Anyone who suggests that "majority rules" in the United States has never been exposed to Civics 101.

Anonymous said...

Ashrak said...

The problem with the Bost video above (Illinois lawmaker) is that while arguing against the Madigan anti rights law he's in favor of and actively supporting a carry "law" that bans the carrying of rifles. Yes, the NRA bill. It's own sponsor calls it "the strictest shall issue legislation in the country". Even Bost uses Constitutional Carry as if its an evil that MUST be avoided. Constitutional Carry is why he is so mad (in part).

He wants exercise of the right to carry to be nothing more than an allowed permission that we all pay literally hundreds of dollars just to beg for application and try out for. Maybe, under what he supports, can we possibly get a permission slip if LEO allows us one.

Don't get me wrong, Bost was torqued for several reasons and some of them solid, however, that the back door dealings of Negotiating Rights Away were thrown under the bus isn't a good one. Boat and others bent over backwards giving our rights away in negotiations and their efforts failed. He and his peers should learn a lesson - stop trading away rights in behind closed doors and you won't be made a fool of like you were by Madigan and his Chicago crew!

Bost was wronged, that's true, and he had every right to be be pissed off. Maybe now he knows how the rest of us feel when Republican lawmakers try to trade away our rights in their shady behind closed door "negotiations". How about arguing FOR Constitutional RIGHTS Mr Bost? You know, instead of AGAINST THEM!