Sunday, May 5, 2013

NRA reaches 5 million members

Now, if they can just keep that weeniewagon in the Fairfax parking garage.


Anonymous said...

At the NRA meetings in Houston, I was interviewed by a young man reporter from some smaller newspaper in New York. I told him the 2nd Amendment has nothing to do with sporting use of firearms. It protects our right of self defense and defense of our people from government tyranny, both foreign and domestic. I asked him if he owned a gun. He said "no". I asked him "why not?". He said "I don't think I need one". I asked him "How many lives do you have?". He said "one". I said that his answer means he thinks the life and well-being of a violent criminal who is attacking him is worth more than his own life". Then I said "Think about it". He was speechless. I then walked away.

I hope he sees a little bit of light. Its Sunday morning. I'm leaving Houston now, heading for home.

You can go to now and view videos of several of the speeches made at the NRA annual meetings.

- Old Greybeard

DJMoore said...

I have to wonder if the surge in membership, which I suspect is due to a wider understanding of what is really at stake (rather than an interest in sport shooting) will drive the organization in a new direction.

I've seen several online accounts of reporters coming face to face with people who actually understand the issues. It always seems to be something of a shock, although I haven't seen any of those incidents on the news.

Instead, reporters find a "reasonable" member who supports universal background checks, and broadcast those interviews.

There's also repeated coverage of the pathetic dozen or so protestors reading a list of names, alleged to be those of 10,000 victims of gun violence.

Anonymous said...

The leftist media will always cherry pick their "interviews" to support their agenda.