Wednesday, May 15, 2013

I will be in Temple, Texas on 1 June for the "Come and Take It" march.

"Well, it's a nice soft night so I think I'll go and join me comrades and talk a little treason." -- Michaleen Flynn in The Quiet Man, 1952.
I wasn't planning on it, but a convergence of circumstances, principle and the opportunity to see my old friend Bob Wright have convinced me to take in the "Come And Take It, Temple" Armed March in Texas on 1 June. You may recall how the Temple PD violated the Second and Fourth Amendment rights of Active Duty MSGT Christopher J. Grisham for "rudely displaying" his rifle in a public space. This march, which is also supported by Oath Keepers, is an excellent opportunity to send the open carry message to members of law enforcement that their legitimacy rests upon the twin pillars of the Constitution and the consent of the armed citizenry. Numbers will matter in such a demonstration so I intend to lend my assistance in whatever way I can. Looking forward to seeing some of you Texas Threepers there. This will also give me a chance to visit the site of Mount Carmel at Waco. I have never been. As my itinerary becomes clearer, I will provide more details here at Sipsey Street. Who knows? If time and resources permit, I might even visit the Alamo.


WarriorClass III said...

I'd love to meet you there! Show you around the Alamo too. Give me the time and place.

WarriorClass III

Robin said...

Please don't get involved with C.J. He is constantly looking for a fight and deliberately angers people in order to get attention. He is what is called "a shithouse lawyer". In my professional opinion (25 years) he is a poor soldier and shouldn't be wearing the uniform.

tom said...

Temple's in my AO. I may show up, but not if collectivist pretenders to the throne intend to be there. They will hog the microphones and spew their fake RKBA blather and I want no part of that. Probably do their best to not even let YOU speak if they show. I'm going with a late in the game audible on if it's worth the drive or if it will be taken over by our fifth columns, and we have a lot of them in Texas that are speaking about being there. Rather not be part of a confiscatory circus when that wasn't intent of the organizers but the 5ths are planning on being there.

Might see ya, might not. I'll be just another AR wildcat person with a chamber flag, if I go. Dependent on how determined some in our midst are to torpedo the whole thing and hog the spotlight.

Things look ugly, I'll be at Mikeska's Bar-B-Q watching it on television unless they start trying to arresttrue patriots. Significant chance of people shoving peaceful protesters into the police line to try to start something. Living in Texas, and listening to the enemy "radio", it's a possibility.

Best of luck,

SWIFT said...

I wish I we're going. But, I'm committed to four years of motorcycle payments for a bike I wanted, but sure as hell didn't need. Of course, it is harder for the thugs to put tracking devices on our bikes, than it is our pick-ups. Still, I be waiting to hear your report on Temple, Waco and the Alamo. Might put some additional steel in my spine for Lexington ll.

Judgement Comes said...

Hey Mike... Check your email. I sent you a little something to help you with your trip to Temple.

Thanks for your work!

Hope to meet you some day.

Da Judge...

Murdoch Pizgatti said...

The stage rental agreement is in my name so ultimately I'm responsible for who is up there talking. The first two hours will mainly be music. This is not a political event. We will have the march at noon and after that a few people that have signed up with me will be allowed time on the microphone. I have instructed everyone to stick to the reason we are there. Gun Rights. Also, we will have voluntary safety checks for everyone by gun experts. We are just asking that you not have one chambered and will be flagging all guns with a red straw. If all the experienced guys do this and show a good example i am convinced that the newbies will follow suit. If anyone would like to speak, set up a table or are knowledgeable and want to help with safety checks at the event please contact me at
Thank you,
Murdoch Pizgatti

tom said...

I just had a discussion with a SOT friend also in the AO and we talked about it. If they want to arrest anybody with one of the original "black rifles", I'll be the Central Texan that will hit Mikeska's first, as it's mandatory7 when I'm close, and otherwise I'll be the dude with the empty Krag :-) Hope to see you all there! Original suggestion was a Garand or two but then the Krag came up...and as it was spoken, it shall be done.

tom said...

Cops are pro RKBA

Unless anybody does something out of school, the permits are in order and nobody is worried but me, because I have to go to Mikeska's. Clem is my co-pilot. Looks like it shoule be an OK "go" and nothing to worry about unless people choose to worry people. You are WELCOME.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Pizgatti,
Would a yellow chamber flag sticking out of the ejection port suffice? I still have a couple from my Appleseed Weekend a while back and am QUITE proficient at clearing the chamber and flagging it.

Anonymous said...

Yes.... The straw was suggested cause their cheaper than the yellow flags when one has to buy a couple thousand.