Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Further empowering the American political police.

The Obama administration, resolving years of internal debate, is on the verge of backing a Federal Bureau of Investigation plan for a sweeping overhaul of surveillance laws that would make it easier to wiretap people who communicate using the Internet rather than by traditional phone services, according to officials familiar with the deliberations.


bubba said...

Everyone should have been stocking up. Don't tell me no one thought they would think of this and what about the next one they think up and then the one after that, etc.

We are arriving at a time where every action is either Compulsory and Prohibited.

Paul X said...

Always use encryption for "important" communications (and for as much trivial communications as you can stand). Also encrypt your voice comm using such applications as Mumble:

You can be sure that criminals, terrorists and government agents (but I repeat myself) use encrypted comm - you should too. Don't use Skype!

They can record all the encrypted comm they want to; it won't do them any good. In fact I look at this move by FBI as pushing more people into encrypted comm, which is a good thing. I always find the bright side - I must be an optimist, heh.

Anonymous said...

We have been warned, we have been told.
Tragically, far too many were more concerned
with Nascar and a logo:
Cleveland police are searching properties(homes)near the home called a 'house of horrors' after they were reportedly alerted by one of the kidnap victims that there may be more women.

Boston, and 19APR13, is now the precedent at the drop of a hat or the lightest fart in the wind.
Fortunately, this criminal precedent exists only as long as we allow it.

Most sincerely, anonymous.

Anonymous said...

What part of "a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism" do these allegedly "highly educated","highly intelligent" bastards not understand? It matters not whether or not THEY consider all this to be a clear violation of amendments 4, 5 and 6. What matters is what WE - the ones who have them outnumbered and surrounded - perceive. And a lot of us out here are gonna consider this just more evidence of their desire to reduce us under absolute despotism.

theirritablearchitect said...

So, he's ignoring the Fourth Amendment, since it's "too limiting," as he puts it.

Anonymous said...

If a Problem should Appear, The Pyramid Shall be Deconstructed from the Upper Floors Down.
Pyramids For Dummies
PFD 1;6

Anonymous said...

Yes.. the FBI, those wonderful American hero's who saved us from so many evils are still out there saving us from ourselves so their marxist masters can have us all to themselves..
Holder is nothing more than a street level pimp enforcer and the scum who follow his orders or any others from DOJ are as guilty as Holder.

Yank lll