Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Bad news for CSGV: 1 in 3 voters meets their definition of 'insurrectionist'

That's CSGV's "civics" in a nutshell: the state must never be resisted by force of arms. If that became more widely known, it's hard to imagine that a great many more Americans would not become "insurrectionists," by CSGV's definition. Given accurate civics lessons, it becomes impossible to imagine. At 29%, though, we already have about 10 times as many as we need.


Anonymous said...

Fuck Josh Horwtiz and the rest of the Coalition to Ban Handguns, er, Handgun Control, Inc, er, the Brady Campaign, er, the CSGV....

To this day, Nazi hunters have not stopped looking for Nazis.

I foresee a day when many of us will be "gun-banner hunters" or some such thing....hunting down people like Josh Horwitz and bringing them to justice....those who manage to escape into hiding. It will take decades, but we *WILL* get them all.

Roger J said...

I find CSGV's attitude interesting from an intellectual standpoint. According to them, no government must be resisted by its citizens, no matter what it does. I can think of a number of governments which would cheerfully end the lives of CSGV members for some peripheral reason. For example Pol Pot's Cambodia, in which any CSGV members with significant education would have perished in the killing fields. I suppose CSGV must also condemn Count von Stauffenberg of the Valyrie plot, and the Hungarian patriots who attempted to throw off the despotic yoke of communism in 1956. Not only is CSGV on the wrong side of history, but they're...stupid - can't think of a more appropriate way to put it. "None are so blind as those who refuse to see."

Anonymous said...


Some evidence that womens' right to vote may merit some scrutiny...

SWIFT said...

Geeez. The commie CSGV wants me dead. So does a shit load of neo-nazi's, or at least imprisoned. What an exciting future!

Anonymous said...

one factor which escapes most city dwelling pro-control freaks is that many 'insurrectionists' live rurally in the farming communities between the cities - the people who produce and sell FOOD into those cities.

'Locking Down' large rural communities is a far more difficult feat than neutralising citiy blocks - particularly as most government forces are city based.

Hardcore firearms users already have tight-knit groupings which access rural ranges and communities. Many have distributed communications even to the extent of encripted, stand-alone wireless networks.

City dewlling libtards - you are surrounded!

... and by armed patriots who control your food supply (plus know where your water supply comes from)...


Anonymous said...

What the heck koolaid are they drinking at the CSGV? What the hell are a free people supposed to do?
"Sir can you remove the boot from my neck for a second while I attempt to find another way to commmunicate to you that I will never submit to your wannabe tough guy ass?"
That never works, and if there is another alternative I will explore it. Working on pretty please right now.

Anonymous said...

Posse cummatatis be damned!!


Anonymous said...

I'm willing to support and die to defend my principles, especially my 2A right to keep and bear arms.
Are YOU willing to personally (not sending the Gubbment jack booted thugs) come and support YOUR principles by taking my guns from me??

B Woodman

tom said...

And 2 out of 3 RKBA "activists" are working with CSGV and their Capitol Gang and I have proof. Memos and emails trump conspiracy theories every time.

There is a FIFTH COLUMN in the RKBA movement that are worse than FUDD people. I tried to warn. Being ignored doesn't make my facts any less true than Alan still being proud of what caused a lot of us to write him out of the movement. Be careful where you donate, as you might be selling yourself into slavery and thinking you were buying defense.

Charles N. Steele said...

Uh-oh. You may have to change the name to the "Thirty Percent" movement.