Saturday, May 4, 2013

"After all, this country was founded by lawyers, and it is saved by lawyers." Tell it to David Olofson

"Hey, why am I out here getting shot at by the redcoats when this schmuck says the the lawyers get all the credit?"
"Arm yourself with lawyers in fight against government -- In battles over rights, a cadre of attorneys always defeats guns."


Anonymous said...

"This idea is not based in real life. When in modern U.S. history has anyone used guns to successfully defend themselves from government tyranny? The correct answer, of course, is, never."

Guess nobody told this fella about Athens Tennessee, circa 1946.

Anonymous said...

OK, I read the whole article... and it sounds reasonable, if we assume that the "justice system" still carried some modicum of justice for the common man.

It doesn't.

The writers and signers of the Constitution knew that at some point we would no longer have a court system that protects the people against an over-reaching and tyrannical government. At such a place in time, therefore, men who might have the courage and strength to abolish such a government would need readily-available tools to make that effort successful. THIS is the ultimate purpose of the 2nd Amendment.

I've no doubt that this right to arms will be *forcefully* exercised in the near future. And the wisdom of the Founding Fathers will be conclusively demonstrated.

The traitorous bastards, I'll bet, will crawl away under the cover of darkness, when their efforts ultimately fail. When caught, may I suggest a "Kodak moment," a pic with each traitor wearing the TRUE weapon of justice, a noose around each of their scrawny necks? Such pics especially if they're arranged in a literal portfolio, would send a powerful message to the rest... and to the world, of what REAL Americans do with enemies.

Anonymous said...

I think someone forgot about the Battle of Athens and how the Jews held off the Nazis even poorly armed, they lost in the end but think what they could have done if armed properly.


Anonymous said...

"This idea is not based in real life. When in modern U.S. history has anyone used guns to successfully defend themselves from government tyranny? The correct answer, of course, is, never."

I guess the Battle of Athens would never come to mind .

Honestly , we need to remove lawyers and politicians from the equation . It is to simple to read the law of the land and know what it says and means . Lawyers and politicians don't have any say in how or if our rights are utilized .

Anonymous said...

Over half a century later this short conversation is still in my ringing in my ear. " Son do you know what the word 'lawyer ' mean's ? " what ? ..." Professional liar for money " .

Anonymous said...

Funny....I was thinking of Olofson the other day.

Under the new movement towards "smuggling and defiance" and away from being "law abiding" seems we should have stormed the Bastille to demand Olofson's release.

With the "newer" understanding (by the mainstream gun owner) that ANY infringement of the 2A, including NFA of 34 or GCA of 86, is/was and always has been UNCONSTITUTIONAL.....we owe Olofson a massive apology for letting him be cornholed by our out of control, tyrannical government.

Let's make sure that NEVER happens again....b/c the time is fast approaching where our government will be round up fellow gun owners.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @2:11 - you raise some good points but the biggest flaw in the line of reasoning that was used in the article is the assertion that we have a 'justice system' - we DO NOT - we have a legal system, and one that can be deeply flawed and manipulated, particularly so by 'lawyers' who are, shall we say 'ethically challenged'.

Anonymous said...

There is so much to fisk in this article, from top to bottom, but space (and an Android tablet) does not permit.
In theory, he may be at least partly correct. But reality is far removed from his fantasy writings.
All lies, delusions and obfuscstions. He's whistling past the graveyard.

B Woodman

Anonymous said...

One of our biggest failings was not forming a ring of patriots around the ring of Govt. thugs who surrounded the Davidians at Waco.

WE allowed the murder of women and children by our inaction!

"Never again!" must be our oath from this day forward.

Not on our watch ...


Anonymous said...

I'm going to have to go back and recheck "William Diamond's Drum" and see how many lawyers were in the Lexington Militia.

MI copperhead said...

You know what they call a thousand lawyers at the bottom of the ocean? A good start ;-)