Monday, March 18, 2013

Senator Cruz may have given Feinstein too much credit

When Senator Cruz assumed Feinstein would hesitate to attack free speech--speech, no less, that might be vital for the preservation of our free republic--he gave her far too much credit. If she saw any benefit in quartering soldier's in private citizens' homes, the Third Amendment would be on her target list, as well.


Anonymous said...

Of course he gave her too much credit. She would sell you children into slavery if it suited her desires.

Cruz was articulate in his query, but lacked sufficient backbone to slap that evil witch down for her histrionics and failure to answer the question. In other words, another Dead Elephant putting on a show for the folks out here in 'merca, but just a show. He was not serious about making the enemy respond to a completely legitimate question.


Dakota said...

I watched that bitch tell the Senator that she wanted him to respect her "opinion" ..... what he should have told her is that "our" opinion doesn't matter it is the Constitution "the" Supreme Law of the Land .... that we both swore to defend and uphold!!