Monday, March 18, 2013

"ATF grants 'crypto-anarchist' license for 3-D printing of guns."

Defense Distributed, a loosely organized group that wants to create weapons mostly using 3-D printed parts — and provide the files for anyone else to to do so online — shared the news on its Facebook and Tumblr pages over the weekend, exclaiming, "Look who has a license to manufacture firearms."


oughtsix said...

They'll just wait till he gets cookin' real good, then sweep in, find irregularities and make his life Hell.

Not that I wish him anything other than the best but the ptb cannot tolerate this. I hope the genie is well out of the bottle and that the batfeces have 'misundercalculated'.

Wouldn't be the first time!

Christian Patriot III said...

Defense Distributed: you're doing it wrong. Free men don't ask permission to bear arms.

Anonymous said...

Well, well. It looks like the time for Magpul to either put up or STFU has arrived.

Anonymous said...

Awww geee. Isn't that mighty generous of the BATFEces. As if they could stop Defense Distributed if they wanted to. Just another means fo Big Gubbment to keep track of those who want to be free, and have the means to achieve it.

B Woodman

SWIFT said...

This is a set-up. Spokeswoman Donna Sellers gave up the hidden intent by saying that the license was issued after collaborating with other law enforcement and the firearms industry. Down load one thing off that site and you will be on yet another list and be monitored 24-7. The ATF may not be the brightest pennies in the pack, but they make up for it in institutional evil.

Anonymous said...

I think the idea is, that law enforcement would have to play whack-a-mole with about 200 million moles in trying to track down all those files.

This does little good as the files can move off the grid via flash drive, burned DVDs, etc.

Miles said...

Real easy to see what DD's plan is if everyone will get off their 'It's a trap! - It's a conspiracy!' high horses.

DD is going to get a C2 SOT and see if the design can handle FULL AUTOMATIC FIRE.

Geez, this is apparent even from their own press releases where they write they want a SOT.

You want the batboyz down your throat? Advertise you're going to make emmagees without that SOT.

and Swift: If you're NOT already on 'somebody's list' you're not trying hard enough.

If multiple million Americans, not to mention MORE multiple million other people WORLD WIDE download the manufacture files, and post them for download worldwide, who's going to be able to keep track of them? NOBODY, that's who...Anon 7:56 understands the process.