Praxis: Another idea for keeping up marksmanship skills in an ammo-short world.
Greetings Mike,
Your link to the One Box Workout was good, but there is a better way to practice in these times of ammo shortages.
Last year I purchased the handgun (in the attached pic) from Airgun Depot. It is a Winchester Model M11 1911A1 in .177 cal BB.
It has all the same controls as my Colt 1911A1 Series 70 Gold Cup, in exactly the same places. It has a reciprocating slide, the magazine release works the same, so I can practice all my drills with a fully functioning CO2 powered pistol, except for FTF/FTE and recoil control. Recoil control can be managed with just 1 or 2 full magazines. FTF/FTE drills can be practiced with snap caps.
This handgun shoots a .177cal BB at 410FPS, and 1 CO2 powerlet will shoot approximately 150 times without serious degradation of performance. The maximum shooting range is 209 yards (191 meters). It is exactly the same size as my Colt 1911A1 and weighs in just a few ozs. more than my Colt empty. The magazine holds 16 BBs, and you can get extra magazines relatively cheaply from the same source as the airgun. It is branded Winchester and made by Daisy.
And the cost?
At Winchester Model M11 1911A1 in .177cal I paid $89.99 for the Winchester 1911 (code 991011-403)
The 4000 count package of BBs cost $7.69
The Crosman CO2 25 pack powerlets cost $14.95
And I got a tube of Crosman Pellgun Oil for CO2 and Pneumatic airguns for $2.99.
Subtotal: $115.62 Plus $13.44 shipping.
Total cost: $129.06.
Really cheap for hours and hours of shooting.
It is something others might want to consider. You get range time without doing damage to your stock of ammo (or your wallet).
Neil E. Wright
As important as marksmanship is KNOWING YOUR WEAPON. Practice field stripping and reassembly until you can do it in the dark by feel. This skill has saved lives before.
A weapon disabled by a simple problem is a useless weapon unless you can fix it in double-quick time. A Garand makes a good club, but it makes a much better rifle.
Yep; there are a lot of licensed metal reproductions out there that can be had on the cheap. I'm in my garage a couple of times a week dumping hundreds of 6mm .25 gram bb's from a repo blow-back M9A1. You can set up various environments to simulate then re-arrange. Neighbors haven't a clue. These are not toys (500 fps or so and the bb's shatter on the backstop), so, use eye protection.
BUT ... CO2 is a 'poison' and causes "climate change"!!!
Exhausting CO2 into the atmosphere has to be WORSE that expelling lead into the environment.
No way to win!
There are several options like this. I have a Kimber 22LR conversion for my .45s and one for my AR .223. Fortunately I purchased several thousand .22LR before the ammo shortage. You can also get very realistic AirSoft pistols and rifles that are good for practicing in your back yard. A good Airsoft can cost alot of money for what it is, but you can't get cheaper ammo anywhere.
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