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Friday, February 10, 2012
Issa Wusses Out on Holder Deadline, giving me another chance to explain why I'm doing what I'm doing.
The people cannot delegate to government the power to do anything which would be unlawful for them to do themselves. ... whenever the Legislators endeavor to take away, and destroy the Property of the People, or to reduce them to Slavery under Arbitrary Power, they put themselves into a state of War with the People, who are thereupon absolved from any farther Obedience, and are left to the common Refuge, which God hath provided for all Men, against Force and Violence. Whensoever therefore the Legislative shall transgress this fundamental Rule of Society, and either by Ambition, Fear, Folly or Corruption, endeavor to grasp themselves, or put into the hands of any other an Absolute Power over the Lives, Liberties, and Estates of the People; By this breach of Trust they forfeit the Power the People had put into their hands, for quite contrary ends, and it devolves to the People, who have a Right to resume their original Liberty. -- John Locke.
Holder granted extra time to turn over 'Fast and Furious' documents
A key congressional Republican who had threatened to bring a contempt citation against Attorney General Eric Holder if he did not comply with a demand for "Operation Fast and Furious" documents by 5 p.m. Thursday, has backed off his stated deadline.
House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-California, who has the backing of the committee's Republican majority, has granted a Justice Department request for an extension. No new deadline was set.
The Justice Department did not dispute the committee statement.
An aide to Issa said the congressman was satisfied that Holder had shown some flexibility on the documents issue in his testimony before the committee a week earlier. However, the aide added, "They won't have forever."
There is no way to interpret this as anything other than Darrell Issa and the GOP leadership wussing out, for whatever reason is left to our imaginations.
That said, let me review again my original reason for doing what I have done in the Gunwalker Scandal. These are in no particular order, and they include what I knew at the time I began (circa late December 2010) and what has become plain since then.
1. The Gunwalker Scandal and the murder of Brian Terry, two different but linked scandals, were chances to demonstrate the murderous indifference of the federal government, even to the slaughter of one of their own, if it came to executing a politically driven policy decision. To expose it cut at least two ways -- first, demoralizing other federal law enforcement members who would be convinced that their own lives didn't mean a damn to the policy makers; second, disrupting and deflecting ATF and FBI management from other murderous misadventures while they defended themselves against the charges, which were later proven to be true. The whole spectacle of federal law enforcement demonstrated to be arsonists in firefighter drag was demoralizing to the feds and a huge strike at their false claim of legitimacy.
2. The blow that Gunwalker has done to that legitimacy (to those who have been paying attention) is great and getting greater. No one on our side in this scandal, which now includes a formerly reluctant NRA and much of its membership, will believe any other claim of necessity for further disarmament of the citizenry.
3. Taken together, the Gunwalker scandal has bought us precious time to prepare for the eventuality of civil war, if the feds manage to shake off this scandal and evade responsibility again, as they did at Ruby Ridge, Waco and OKC. For having done so, they will have learned nothing and will come at us once again with some tyrannical scheme designed to start a shooting war with people who have decided not to take another step back. To my mind it has always been about buying time for those preparations of logistics, organization and training, rather than an expectation that we would in fact get justice in the end. Remember, I was there in the 90s. I knew up front that to believe that we would get justice in Gunwalker would be a triumph of hope over experience.
4. It was important to push this scandal into the light to give the system of both political parties one last chance to clean their stable before it was burnt down in the opening conflagration of the civil war their failure to do so would ignite. Morally, it was necessary to give them one last chance, so we could say we did everything we could within the system to hold that system to its own rules. If then it did not hold itself to its own rules, they would have proven my oft-stated dictum that if the rule of law did not protect the people from the depredations of the federal government, then it would not protect those in the federal government from the righteous wrath of the victimized people.
I pray every day that we can get out of this situation that the predatory federal government and its minions have pushed us into without violence. I will continue to do so. But I also pray that those of you who have benefited from this year that we have bought have taken advantage of it, and of every minute, hour, day and week that we buy from here on.
If you do, then we have not wasted our energies. For one way or another, with or without violence, this abomination and subversion of the Founders' Republic will not stand. In any case, I will be able to look my Maker in the face and say that I did the best I could to avoid civil war. And that, dear readers, is what has motivated me in this struggle from the very beginning.
Disgusting all the way around, the congress things are lying bastards as usual and the people get the gov they deserve as usual. Beans and bullets....
Depressing as we go into a weekend of nothingness. My bet is - Holder can stay above the fray unless someone leaks something that we don't know about. So where is the guy in the bowels of the DOJ like the Climategate leaker?
you know, for a brief while there, at the beginning, i had some hope Issa was going to see this thru..... then rhe reality hit that we're dealing with political animals that are, by their very nature, lower than a snake's belly in a wagon wheel track.
The Declaration tells us what to do and what we have to do.
The question is when, Scum like Issa who know right from wrong are worse than Holder.
At least with him you know who your enemy is., with Issa you never know till it is too late. Quisling!
The Best Line ever is Rip Torn speaking to Nick Nolte playing a Texas Ranger . Jesus Christ Jack the Only thing worse than a politician is a child molester.
How true but we always put them there. We had a job to do years ago and as usual we pussy out. NO more. for me. How about you ?
I too pray every day for the end of this pervasive evil to end.
And those people out in the streets protesting around the world, they are our heros. and yes, some will be martyrs for the cause of truth.. And the internet protesters and bloggers, you also are to be commended.
Hmmm - here's a thought - maybe they want to be sure that Obama is the nominee before bringing out the big guns? It would suck if the Dems pulled Obama out and actually put up a decent candidate - somebody who didn't have approval numbers in the single digits - and Romney (or whoever) actually had to campaign.
why isnt the Boland Amendment being used in this? GunWalker is essentially arming an insurgency against the Mexican Government. Hillary and Jeanette should be also under indictment for crimes against the Congress as well.....
There is not a politician in Washington with enough backbone to make a goddamn snake crawl.Maybe he was afraid his door would be battered down in the middle of the night,and he would be whisked away to parts unknown for disagreeing with Der Fuehrer.Just another lying ass cocksucker whose shit turned to jello when he had to make a decision and stick to it.Maybe Holder had a point with that "nation of cowards"thing.The only thing these useless pricks can do boldly is fuck the people of this country every chance they get.
History will record Darrell Issa as a pathetic footnote - a coward who chose political expediency instead of justice. The "leaders" we have currently make us all look like fools. After all, is it not a Representative government?
I sick of talk. If you don't have a line in the sand, how will you know when it is crossed?
so Mike...
What is the line in the sand that shall not be crossed? Maybe if everybody had a common goal to watch out for we might begin to move as a cohesive unit.
Just a thought.
I'll be posting as anonymous from here out. Also, be on the lookout for a total internet blackout, they can't very well let us peasants continue to congregate.
When you actually take the time to think this through, was this any way to run a hearing? Do you bring in the top guy six times and get nothing? Why not start with some of the smaller fish, threaten them with jail, and work up the chain? This was not done because it did not have the dramatic effect of having the top man testifying.
Where are the congressional investigators? Why does the committee get information from scattered sources?
This investgation is looking more like political gamesmanship, a game of tag between political parties.
As I write this, the Alamo is on AMC. I know now where all the brave men are who stand up for freedom, gave everything they had for independence so that their descendents could live without fear of serfdom...they are dead.
Hate to say it brothers, but I don't think Issa's backing down is anything near as noble as cowardice. It's worse than that. Every SOB in Congress starts out making nearly $200k/yr as a base pay, and the Senate at nearly $300k/yr. As they join committees and subcommitees, their pay is increased. Issa most likely figures he can re-elected without making big waves, and fears he'd lose some "undecided" votes if he does. For everyone of these bastards, re-election is job one. After all, other than lobbying, what could any of these people do that would provide them with the pay and the ego trip that "serving their country" can?
Disgusting all the way around, the congress things are lying bastards as usual and the people get the gov they deserve as usual. Beans and bullets....
Thank you for you time, effort, and accomplishments. You have done more than you will ever know.
Depressing as we go into a weekend of nothingness. My bet is - Holder can stay above the fray unless someone leaks something that we don't know about. So where is the guy in the bowels of the DOJ like the Climategate leaker?
You've done a good job of poking your finger in the eye of the tyranists of both parties.
The extra time you provided us hasn't been entirely wasted.
you know, for a brief while there, at the beginning, i had some hope Issa was going to see this thru..... then rhe reality hit that we're dealing with political animals that are, by their very nature, lower than a snake's belly in a wagon wheel track.
"thankfully" they didn't disappoint me.
The Declaration tells us what to do and what we have to do.
The question is when, Scum like Issa who know right from wrong are worse than Holder.
At least with him you know who your enemy is., with Issa you never know till it is too late.
The Best Line ever is Rip Torn speaking to Nick Nolte playing a Texas Ranger . Jesus Christ Jack the Only thing worse than a politician is a child molester.
How true but we always put them there. We had a job to do years ago and as usual we pussy out. NO more. for me. How about you
I guess I am one of the 3 percents Squared.
I too pray every day for the end of this pervasive evil to end.
And those people out in the streets protesting around the world, they are our heros. and yes, some will be martyrs for the cause of truth..
And the internet protesters and bloggers, you also are to be commended.
I keep all of you in prayer.
Fine, they won't do it? Time to impliment Rule 303.
You, sir, are a true Patriot and it pleases me to inhabit the same planet at the same time with you.
Hmmm - here's a thought - maybe they want to be sure that Obama is the nominee before bringing out the big guns? It would suck if the Dems pulled Obama out and actually put up a decent candidate - somebody who didn't have approval numbers in the single digits - and Romney (or whoever) actually had to campaign.
why isnt the Boland Amendment being used in this? GunWalker is essentially arming an insurgency against the Mexican Government. Hillary and Jeanette should be also under indictment for crimes against the Congress as well.....
There is not a politician in Washington with enough backbone to make a goddamn snake crawl.Maybe he was afraid his door would be battered down in the middle of the night,and he would be whisked away to parts unknown for disagreeing with Der Fuehrer.Just another lying ass cocksucker whose shit turned to jello when he had to make a decision and stick to it.Maybe Holder had a point with that "nation of cowards"thing.The only thing these useless pricks can do boldly is fuck the people of this country every chance they get.
History will record Darrell Issa as a pathetic footnote - a coward who chose political expediency instead of justice. The "leaders" we have currently make us all look like fools. After all, is it not a Representative government?
I sick of talk. If you don't have a line in the sand, how will you know when it is crossed?
so Mike...
What is the line in the sand that shall not be crossed?
Maybe if everybody had a common goal to watch out for we might begin to move as a cohesive unit.
Just a thought.
I'll be posting as anonymous from here out. Also, be on the lookout for a total internet blackout, they can't very well let us peasants continue to congregate.
When you actually take the time to think this through, was this any way to run a hearing? Do you bring in the top guy six times and get nothing? Why not start with some of the smaller fish, threaten them with jail, and work up the chain? This was not done because it did not have the dramatic effect of having the top man testifying.
Where are the congressional investigators? Why does the committee get information from scattered sources?
This investgation is looking more like political gamesmanship, a game of tag between political parties.
As I write this, the Alamo is on AMC. I know now where all the brave men are who stand up for freedom, gave everything they had for independence so that their descendents could live without fear of serfdom...they are dead.
Hate to say it brothers, but I don't think Issa's backing down is anything near as noble as cowardice. It's worse than that. Every SOB in Congress starts out making nearly $200k/yr as a base pay, and the Senate at nearly $300k/yr. As they join committees and subcommitees, their pay is increased. Issa most likely figures he can re-elected without making big waves, and fears he'd lose some "undecided" votes if he does. For everyone of these bastards, re-election is job one. After all, other than lobbying, what could any of these people do that would provide them with the pay and the ego trip that "serving their country" can?
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