The ORIGINAL gathering place for a merry band of Three Percenters. (As denounced by Bill Clinton on CNN!)
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Nice. "Panetta Nominates Notorious Navy Captain For Admiral."
The Peter Principle states that "in a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence", meaning that employees tend to be promoted until they reach a position in which they cannot work competently. It was formulated by Dr. Laurence J. Peter and Raymond Hull in their 1969 book The Peter Principle, a humorous treatise, which also introduced the "salutary science of hierarchiology." -- Wikipedia.
Lt. J.G. Timothy Dorsey Intentionally Shot Down Friendly RF-4C in 1987. You know, I once explained to Grandpa Vanderboegh about the Peter Principle. He snorted and said, "What you mean is, shit floats to the top of the pond." Which, when I thought about it for a moment, I replied, "Right."
Navy folks are upset about the selection, given his early outing from Navy Air due to his error in shooting down an Air Force jet. His father, a former Deputy CNO, clearly has had an influence on his meteoric rise through the ashes. With the record number of COs removed by the Navy in 2011, it is hard to believe this guy can get confirmed by Congress as an Admiral (although Rear) given the outcry.
Had a saying in the Army...fuck up to move up. Watched a captain become a major after taxi'ing an aircraft into a chain link fence. This type of action doesn't even phase me any longer. Hell, he just might become president if he keeps it up.
Years ago I was a student at the Air War College, the Air Force's top military school. One day the Commandant introduced one of the faculty members to us, prior to the gentleman's first lecture of the year. "This is Colonel X, father of 12 children, and the War College's foremost advocate of the Peter Principle."
Navy folks are upset about the selection, given his early outing from Navy Air due to his error in shooting down an Air Force jet. His father, a former Deputy CNO, clearly has had an influence on his meteoric rise through the ashes. With the record number of COs removed by the Navy in 2011, it is hard to believe this guy can get confirmed by Congress as an Admiral (although Rear) given the outcry.
It makes perfect sense. Who else would do their bidding?
Had a saying in the Army...fuck up to move up. Watched a captain become a major after taxi'ing an aircraft into a chain link fence.
This type of action doesn't even phase me any longer. Hell, he just might become president if he keeps it up.
I'd also think the USAF would be less than amused, considering his past treatment of a harmless RF4.
An admiral of this caliber could give "interservice rivalry" a whole new spin.
"intentional destruction of government property"
Aren't you supposed to pay for stuff you break if you do it on purpose?
I heard about guys being told to pay for damage to vehicles, buildings, etc. to get rid of charges.
Maybe it's different if your dad's one of the big bosses...
First there were wooden ships and iron men.
Then there were irong ships and wooden men.
Soon they'll be nothing left but rubber rafts and reserves.
No different than McLame graduating at the bottom of his class yet having Daddy the Admiral grease the skids for him and look how that turned out.
Years ago I was a student at the Air War College, the Air Force's top military school. One day the Commandant introduced one of the faculty members to us, prior to the gentleman's first lecture of the year. "This is Colonel X, father of 12 children, and the War College's foremost advocate of the Peter Principle."
He only has four more aircraft to down to match "Ace" McCain's record of five.
And together they will float on down the patomac on the good ship lolipop ,holding hand`s and singing cum-bi-ya.
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