Thursday, February 9, 2012

Codrea: Issa, Meehan, Grassley to Holder: Unseal Fast & Furious wiretap apps

Holder has been given a deadline of “no later than noon on February 15, 2012” to produce the applications. Link to letter.


TPaine said...

Now it's a 2/15 "deadline!" Anyonme want to guess on the next deadline? The 2/2 meeting was a farce, and Holder is probably grinning like the Cheshire cat as he goes from deadline to deadline until no one cares anymore, and Obama is proclaimed dictator for life.

Anonymous said...

Yeah and if that deadline is not met, what happens? Will they huff and puff some more?

Will they charge this miscreant with a crime? Will they shackle him and drag him out of office? Will they begin impeachment proceedings?

All this "I thank the gentleman" and "we have a a respectful disagreement" and "would the gentleman yield" is just a little too polite for my tastes. There comes a time when a little show of anger, a bit of speaking from your gut/heart is warranted. So far I have not seen any real conviction from anyone on the Oversight Committee.


Longbow said...

We'll see. I am unimpressed so far...

Anonymous said...

Being the infernal optimist, I am somewhat impressed. I never expected this much to come out.

Now if everything goes just right, Obama and Holder booted, SCOTUS appointments nullified, Ron Paul elected, etc., we can handle the riots, then get to work setting things right.

That's not TOO much to ask, is it?

Ready on the right . . .