1. A toady, sycophant, spaniel, groveller or yes-man.
2. A flunky or lackey.
3. A lapdog.
4. A reptile or creeper.
5. A flatterer or courtier.
-- Webster's Dictionary

Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff auditioning for the job of U.S. Attorney.
Utah and Arizona, you have a problem.
Congress and the media have understandably focused on the missteps of the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives in the “Fast and Furious” sting operation that allowed suspected “straw buyers” to purchase weapons and transport them to Mexico in order to build cases against drug cartels.
However, the covert operation was terminated abruptly after its possible connection to the tragic death of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was revealed. Unfortunately, most of the recent criticism about the operation seems to be serving as a means to attack Attorney General Eric Holder and destroy the ATF, rather than to hold those behind Fast and Furious accountable.
Is there anyone familiar with my writings here who doesn't know that I have often written that, absent a repeal of the firearms laws of the United States, I prefer the devil I know in rehab (ATF) to the devil I don't know (the secret political policemen of DHS, for example)?
I am also on record that the wrongdoing by the ATF in the Gunwalker scandal pales in comparison to that of the FBI. What we have here is a systemic problem of the "law enforcement" agencies of the Federal leviathan. Yet these two local lickspittles of federal arses, Mark Shurtleff, who is Utah attorney general and Terry Goddard, former Arizona attorney general, happily set up straw man arguments to deflect blame from those people -- who took an oath, mind you -- those people who have committed crimes under color of law. The fireman we paid to put out fires have been demonstrated to be arsonists and Shurtleff and Goddard wish to give them more matches and gasoline.
It would be tragic if the furor over Fast and Furious causes our country to abandon Mexico to the cartels. The cartels are our enemy, not the ATF or Department of Justice. We need to provide the men and women fighting this critical battle with the tools they need.
"The cartels are our enemy, not the ATF or Department of Justice."
Tell that to the families of Jaime Zapata, Brian Terry and the thousands of Mexican innocents who have lost loved ones at the muzzles of Gunwalker Scandal weapons. The cartels may have pulled the triggers, but the federal government provided the weapons for a corrupt political purpose. Who, I ask, is the more guilty? How can you sort out the guilt between the murderers and those who with depraved indifference -- using taxpayer dollars and acting under color of law -- armed them?
I say plainly that the Department of "Justice" is filled with unconvicted felons who have violated law, suborned perjury and undermined the Constitution, all the time arrogantly acting under color of law as their own gang, preying upon the liberty, property and even lives of the people. I denounce them as the traitors to the Republic that they are. Until they are brought to true justice, giving them more power is at best suicidal to the Republic and to its people.
Gunwalker is the ultimate crisis of legitimacy of this power-hungry, bloated federal regime, and these two schmucks would have us ignore it. They must be looking for promotions from Lickspittle, Second Class to being real "made" gang members of the Federal Mandarins -- United States Attorneys.
They are just trying to run interference for the murderers. And they know they are.
You're being too easy on 'em...
Why don't you just go ahead and say what you (and many of the rest of us) think.
Everything's cool; sometimes Oscar winners get carried away too! And yes, you've got it right that this is the "ultimate crisis of legitimacy."
Nonetheless, the people who pulled the triggers are the people who pulled the triggers. They may be a trivial threat compared to the people with whom you're engaged, but they're still the ones who did what they did.
As to whom are the very worst, and who causes the most deaths, as if that's some standard to measure...well, I just think it's wiser to figure out the good. That's your real talent, you know---you manage to find it, in a mess like this.
Pencils don't misspell, and guns don't kill.
End the so called war on drugs, and the ATF, DEA, ICE, DHS, etc. become irrelevant. But guess what folks, it ain't gonna happen. There's too much money in it. Money for LE. Money for guys like Shurtleff and Goddard to remain employed. The cartels want drugs to remain illegal, so do the stockholders of the corporate run prisons in the US. The whole system has been subverted for profit. Profit on both sides of the law, with the little guy caught in the middle.
The ATF is responsible for up to 2500 firearms being smuggled to Mexico.
These guns have been recovered at the murder scenes of Brian Terry, Jamie Zapata, and probably hundreds more Mexican citizens. The ATF is directly responsible for this. Directly responsible. Yeah- we should just give them more "tools" so they can do an even better job. Sure is a good way to "pad the numbers" and make the stats look bad for US gun dealers and owners--how convienient! Get your facts straight and tell the whole truth. About 17% of the guns recovered in Mexico come from the US. Of course that figure will have to be increased now that the ATF have opened up for business!
Yeah, AJ. It's called serving mammon.
Let's focus, it's not the ATF that is responsible for the death of Brian Terry and the innocent mexican that have been killed by the 2500 guns walked into Mexico, it's William McMahon, Mark Chait, William Newell, George Gillette, David Voth, Hope McAllister.
"I say plainly that the Department of "Justice" is filled with unconvicted felons who have violated law, suborned perjury and undermined the Constitution, all the time arrogantly acting under color of law as their own gang, preying upon the liberty, property and even lives of the people. I denounce them as the traitors to the Republic that they are. Until they are brought to true justice, giving them more power is at best suicidal to the Republic and to its people."
You are so right. They are accessories to murder. The law does not say you are exempt from that if you are in government. They are using the cover of their positions to commit their crimes. It is Treason. They were framing Americans, and killed Americans. You can try to call it "Bad policy," all you want, we know what it is.
God knows what it is.
They steal and call it "Stimulus, or loans to Solyndra." They give this money to their campaign donors who will then turn around, and donate back to their campaign. This is money laundering. Then when they run out, they come back and want more, "Revenue?"
These people don't need weapons like the bank robber or murderer. They get elected to office, and then change the name of their crimes to policy. They use votes and a pen, as in "Executive Orders, or Legislation," when a conventional criminal needs a weapon. I pray God is keeping score up there, and is going to make sure justice is given to those that did this, as well as those that let them get away with it. To all you that are supposed to make sure people pay for their crimes, your children are going to inherit this country from you. Please think about that, when you decide whether or not to do the right thing. They won't escape the damage done by this impostor president and his fellow criminals. I say impostor, because he's lied about his identity. It is rumored that his true father is none other than, Malcolm X.
Barack Hussein Obama and Malcolm X Like Father Like Son?
The X's and O's
Straight out of the gutter, as usual, Mikey. You're so vile you make pond scum look elegant by comparison.
Keep eating and avoiding exercise, you fat swine, and I'll look forward to reading the obit in the local backwoods paper there in Fuckwit, Alabama: "Fat right-wing shitbag falls victim to his own sloth; country yawns; family thrilled to finally be rid of the stupid bastard."
Eric Holder Has a Gun Problem
"We need to provide the men and women fighting this critical battle with the tools they need."
That's not the issue. The issue was the Federal gov't arming the other side, genius.
Quote from anonymous: "Let's focus, it's not the ATF that is responsible for the death of Brian Terry and the innocent mexican that have been killed by the 2500 guns walked into Mexico, it's William McMahon, Mark Chait, William Newell, George Gillette, David Voth, Hope McAllister."
When a thug cop beats an innocent man to within an inch of his life (and kicks him the rest of the way) he is not the only one guilty. The other one or two cops who turn a blind eye, and thus facilitate him, bear the same guilt. The rest of them who hear about it in the locker room and whisper "I'm glad he's not my partner...", or worse, say nothing, wear the same stench.
I keep waiting for those really super-duper good guys, who truly care about right and justice and all that, to come forward and tell everything they know. I'm just sure it will happen any minute now...right?
ATF isn't the problem? The National Firearms Act and the Gun Control Act are the root of the problem. ATF is the mechanism by which those acts are imposed on the American People.
The second Amendment isn't an anachronistic thingy. It isn't an impediment Law Enforcement. It is the Highest Law in the land.
I ask you, what kind of a man willingly goes to work for an agency the function of which is a violation of the Oath he swore in order to take the office?
Every agent who knows the truth about this, and is keeping quiet, is equally as guilty of the murder of Brian Terry as the miscreant who pulled the trigger.
I say again, I'm sure those "really good guys" we keep hearing about are going to come forward and tell the whole truth... any minute now, right? I'm just sure that hundreds of them will soon resign in disgust... right?
He always has been a political tool - worthless in the extreme, sadly he is entrenched.
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