I remember when 3000 innocents were killed by Jihadis, and I am respectful of their memory. (No, I am not a "Truther.")
But mostly as I look back on the ten years since I am angry as much at the federal government as I am the Jihadis who killed innocent Americans then and continue to strive to do so now. I am angry because I also remember these things:
I remember that the Jihadis, ARMED WITH ONLY BOXCUTTERS, were able to get away with three of the four hijackings because they were operating in government-mandated victim disarmament zones.
I remember that, despite that, a scratch force of unarmed, no, make that DISarmed, American militiamen and women, foiled the targeting of the fourth group of hijackers.
I remember that the spirit of responsibility and resistance had by then been so bred out of the American citizenry that the Jihadis were able to succeed three out of four times. They counted on us being sheep and we proved them almost entirely right.
I remember that we were then told that this was a "War on Terror," not on Muslim Jihadis -- as if World War II was a "War on Blitzkrieg" or a "War on Naval Air Attacks at Dawn." I remember that we were told this by the government and the lap-dog media because the government decided it was politically incorrect to tell the truth.
I remember that the federal government -- of both parties -- used this as an excuse to rob us of even more liberties so that today the federal leviathan has even more power and we are fundamentally far less free than we were on 10 September 2001.
I remember that 11 September 2001 was, at its core, a failure of government and as a result we got MORE government.
Yeah, I remember 9/11.
I remember the blood, the carnage and the sacrifice. I remember the New York cops and firefighters charging into the twin towers. I remember Americans on Flight 93 rising to the occasion, even though disarmed by the government, to sell their lives as dearly as possible. I remember that armed citizens, passengers or pilots, randomly positioned on four mundane aircraft, could have prevented the whole thing, even had the Jihadis had firearms themselves.
Yeah, I remember 9/11.
I remember it as an abject failure of government for which the people -- then, now and in the future -- have paid, are paying and will continue to pay, the price of that failure.
Thanks Mike..
Because ONLY the Truth can truly set us free, along with the nerve to Stand as Free men.
Yank lll
Thats sums it up perfectly!
Thanks Mike.
Whether there is any merit to the "Truther" allegations or not, 9/11 was a heaven-sent event to the big government collectivists, warmongers, globalists, and profiteers. The concept of never letting a good crisis go to waste is not unique to the likes of Marxists like Rahm Emmanuel. This event has even further cemented an interventionist, liberty-destroying government. And never forget who was running the show when this happened. Are you listening, Bushbots?
Mr. Vanderboegh:
I copied your post and put it on my own web site, giving you full credit.
Thank you.
John Robert Mallernee
Armed Forces Retirement Home
Gulfport, Mississippi 39507
"Yeah, I remember 9/11.
"I remember it as an abject failure of government..."
If civil government is unable or unwilling to protect innocent life, it has little value and no purpose other than self-perpetuation.
As the beadle so aptly phrased it, "The law is a fool and the law is an ass." ;^(
9/11 wasn't a failure of government. It was a wild success for government. It was brought through government policies (in America and around the world) and it was fertilizer for the exponential growth of The State afterwards. 9/11 is what government is all about, and government will cause more of the same. Just watch and see.
Radical religionists wouldn't try to influence government (through terrorism or voting) if government were nonexistent or too weak to use as a weapon against people you hate.
I remember Katie Couric asking rhetorically if this was happening because of George Bush's Mideast policies. I remember wanting to kick in the TV screen and swearing never to tune into the Today Show again. I haven't since, but gleefully watched Couric take CBS news further down the toilet drain tube.
I remember mostly realizing the government failed that morning mainly from political correctness. I remember looking at weapons for sale soon after that and thinking I should buy one (at least). I did.
when i was a young man in the military i always carried a gun when ever i flew.i wold tell the pilot that i was armed and none ever freeked out, all we did was compare guns because these were ww2 guys who carried guns too.
Awesome post, Mike. I remember.
Who benefited the most out of the 9/11 attack?
The DoD, Homeland Security, CIA, FBI, and the Federal Government in general. And the Federal Reserve which is now collecting intrest on all that money it created out of thin air and loaned to the US Government.
What happend to building 7 to make it come down like a demolition job?
Just something to think about.
To me, GunWalker is just like 9-11. Both are fundamental failures of government itself brought about by its own violations of the limitations on it so clearly constituted.
The failure of government somehow justifying further augmenting government becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. The more it fails, the larger it must then grow, which will only lead to more failure, and then to more growth.
Government conditioned Citizens, which it now views as subjects, to stand down to airplane hijackers. Pre 9-11, there was really a 25% demonstration of what was deemed to be only 3%.
Post 9-11, i think it safe to say that 4 out of 4 planes would have riding upon them those who would say "Let's Roll" as they embarked on individual defense absent government's "permission slip". Though some among those plane's ridership might naysay, they will happily sit idle as others defend their lives, too afraid to themselves act.
Not only do I remember, but so too will I Never Forget.
Thank you Michael !
Brilliantly stated and accessed as usual...chuanfa71
One of the Fast and Furious Whistleblowers gave an interview to channel 12 news in Phoenix about 9/11.
"I remember that 11 September 2001 was, at its core, a failure of government and as a result we got MORE government."
All of the terrorists were here on expired visas, this event somehow got past the FBI, CIA, NSA, and any other alphabet soup gangs that are supposed to be "responsible" for the security of the nation...and finally, somehow the U.S. Air Force was unable to stop the attacks. Multiple aircraft hi-jacked at the same time and they were not able to stop any of them.
How could it be?
Remember also, the result of this catastrophic failure did not see anyone lose their job, nor did anyone even get an ass chewing. Instead government grew larger, more intrusive, less accountable and created new agencies and hired more idiots to work in the field of National security.
Our fellow countrymen have allowed the government to dictate the terms of our enslavement due to a visceral reaction and unwillingness to see the failure of government.
It truly is a mixed up and crazy world.
Not a "Truther"?
Our government would NEVER be involved in a false flag operation like those other countries.
Let's see, who would benefit?
Oh, and those two muslims now in congress, and the one in the whitehouse - why, pay no attention.
I'm Not a "Truther" either but, I don't believe what "my" Government tells me about that day. In fact the "Truthers" are far more believable than the Government.
There are to many coincidences for it to be coincidence. Just Google
"Core of Corruption". Do you believe the gonernment that gave you
GUN-Walker, Waco, Ruby Ridge, Clinton Sex Scandal, Iran-Contra, and on and on and on.........TPTB have Declared War on US.
Thanks, Mike.
Sadly, bin Laden’s minions, with the assistance of DC knee jerk legislation, accomplished pretty well what they set out to do that 11 September morning. We are no longer a free people. A look back at the history of our country will reveal that its slide into despotism began long before 11 Sep 2001. The events of that tragic morning have merely accelerated the process.
Sheep to the slaughter with the Judas goats leading the way.
I remember being a short drive from Camp David and Fort Detrick at the time.
I remember that IMMEDIATELY every Muslim-owned quick stop, gas station and motel in the area had American flags planted, pasted and flown outside their places of business. They went up within MINUTES.
I remember that the liberal news stations began falsely reporting Americans running amok lynching and randomly shooting Muslims in the streets. How I knew better but almost wished.
I remember that it wasn't the Amish.
Yeah, I remember. Always.
Well said Mike.
One can only imagine how far a half dozen Glaser Saftey Slugs would have gone on each of those planes that day.
Many would likely still be alive.
But the statists don't see that route. All they can do is take advantage of it to remover ever more liberties from us. In that regard the jihadi's won.
Bob Katt
I remember being instantly angry and sputtering mad and then wondering why it was that no one in the news could make the instant and correct connections I and others did within seconds of learning of the event. It didn't take a second plane for us but they were unable or unwilling to make the trip.
Then I remember the questioning and hand wringing about why it must be our fault and how we had better learn from the lesson and not overreach.
Yeah, I remember and I remember how the plans that were finally enacted were pulled off the shelf and dusted off before they were shoved down our throats for our own good and "safety".
Yeah I remember.
I remember WACO and RUBY RIDGE, too.
@Ashrak: "Post 9-11, i think it safe to say that 4 out of 4 planes would have riding upon them those who would say "Let's Roll" as they embarked on individual defense absent government's "permission slip"."
Some of the phone calls from Flight 175 indicated that they were going to counterattack, too. They just never got the chance.
I remember my first thoughts were "someone is going to get bombed for this". My very next thought as I sat down in front of the TV to watch it unfold was "Bin Laden is about to get it". My son was only a few weeks old and I was working second shift my wife and I spent the whole day watching it.
I remember
Firstly, I would like to say that there is no way in hell it could ever happen that way again, because prior to 9/11, pretty much every hijacking ended in negotiations and hostages being released. Now, pretty much everyone who acts up on a plane gets an instant asshippin.
Secondly, and this one is directed personally at you Mr Vanderboegh, I saw that in this very good post, you mentioned the war against Germany in WWII.......Have you ever thought that maybe it was a terrible mistake for america to get involved in the european theater period?
You mean like, when Germany declared war on us we should have just, uh, IGNORED it?
Mr Vanderboegh---------Not necessarily ignored it period, but yeah in a way. I mean, the nazis had no way of actually attacking us, or at least I dont see how they could've. to give a parallel example, If I sit here on sipsey street and tell you that Im coming down to bama to cut your head off and blow up your whole fire team, you probably shouldnt COMPLETELY dismiss it, but you should recoginze it for what it would be, an empty threat backed with nothing but hot air. It's not like that I can really reach out and touch you from Texas with my 10 speed bike, Mosin-Nagant, snub nose revolver, and $40 left over from last friday's paycheck. It's not like Stalin, our supposed ally, was in any way morally superior to the nazis(and I KNOW that you know that). Again, it seems to me the US participating in the european theater would be akin to you selling your house to stock up on guns, then buddying up with chuck shumer and morris dees to take a road trip down here to dallas to kick my ass for threats that I made on your blog, and meanwhile buying them beer and steak dinners on the road trip down here.
would it not have made more sense just to let stalin and hitler destroy each other? That might have saved us the trouble of the protracted cold war. and Remember Mr V, the good lord put two oceans between us and those assholes on the other side of the world for a good reason
PS----Im not tryin to diss you at all, just playing devils advocate for a minute
Yeah, I remember the day as well... sitting in the cab of a pickup with two others on our way to the jobsite. Silence but for the radio, now tuned to MPR, who had running documentary.
On site, the topic was, "What shall we do about this (as a country)?"
"Nuke the sonsofbitches," was my choice. Quickly shut down by the liberals on the crew- three out of four members.
After ten years supporting a no-win war, I wonder if they'd change their minds now? Doubt it. Commies don't change, they just put on a turban.
I'm not celebrating anything about this day. Don't see any sense in celebrating the loss of my freedoms and a war we had no business letting politicians run.
Wow, I could not have said it better!
Thanks Mike!
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