Thursday, September 15, 2011

"A menace that must be stopped."

Deep Corruption at the Obama Justice Department.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Originally Posted By Lem:arfcom
"... watergate took two years..." Yeah. I know. I watched it every night on TV. For more than a year.

Let me point out the differences.

The FBI began to investigate Watergate almost immediately after that security guard found tape on a door lock.

Gunrunner / fast & Furious / etc.
The FBI has participated in the coverup, and is actually hindering any investigation that might be done. The FBI is as dirty as a Tijuana cop. This crime has been going on for a long time with no investigation.

One of the architects of the burglary plan was former AG John Mitchell. The plan was a simple burglary & wiretapping to aid a campaign.

One of the architects of this plan was likely a current AG, and much of the Justice department may well be involved. The plan was to arm criminals in a neighboring country, with the future intent of destroying more of our second amendment freedoms. Many people have died, including at least one US LEO. ITAR violations. Murder. Not a simple burglary.

The US Attorney's Office was actively involved in the investigation.

The US Attorney's Office is stonewalling, and shuffling positions. More Tijuana cops.

A Special Prosecutor (Archibald Cox) was appointed by the AG that Nixon had appointed (Richardson). Nixon fired Richardson when he refused to fire Cox. He hammered the ranks, looking for someone that would fire Cox. That turned out to be Bork. But Bork turned around and brought in another Special Prosecutor- Leon Jaworski. The investigation continued.

Wha? Special sauce? Nobody is investigating shit. They are stonewalling. Having parties. Shredding paper.

A collection of assholes drunk with power, part of CREeP decide to black bag the Demonrat HQ. CREeP was not a government agency. A stupid, shameful tactic. A national disgrace, that put many in jail. A dark time for out country, played out in the national media nightly. Pursued doggedly by the FBI and the US Attorney's Office.

A collection of alphabet agencies, drunk with power conspire to violate every law they can. ATF, FBI, DOJ. Guns in the hands of criminals - preventing that is the very purpose of the ATF. Yet they facilitated that very act. The Federal Bureau of Investigation. Are they investigating? Nope, they are helping with the cover-up. The Department Of Justice. Justice. Yeah, right. They fought the Terry family on the victim status issue -denying them justice. a 100% dirty, top to bottom collection of corrupt federal agencies, acting in the complete opposite of their purpose.

I would like to point out that even though Watergate was already in the MSM Nixon got re-elected. Do not think that even if this blows up it will make him a one term president.

moko the reader