Ace of Spades has it here: "Let's Take These Sons of Bitches Out," linked to RealClearPolitics here.
This was a warm-up speech for Obama, so it isn't like he didn't hear it.
"We got to keep an eye on the battle that we face: The war on workers. And you see it everywhere, it is the Tea Party. And you know, there is only one way to beat and win that war. The one thing about working people is we like a good fight. And you know what? They've got a war, they got a war with us and there's only going to be one winner. It's going to be the workers of Michigan, and America. We're going to win that war," Jimmy Hoffa Jr. said to a heavily union crowd.
"President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. Let's take these son of bitches out and give America back to an America where we belong," Hoffa added.
When is it time?
Only the smallest brained union members would follow a loud mouth, foul mouthed imbecile into the flames with Barack's Brownshirts. Most are too patriotic to be true National Socialists or Islamists, I certainly hope. Throw these fighting words in with the Congressional Black Congress and we've got ourselves a hot time in the ole kitchen come summer 2012. Better be stocking up on essentials my brothers and sisters!
Sounds like the leftist, socialist progressives are willing to draw first blood, and yes they have Barack Hussein Obama's support! What is this country coming to? I can't believe what I'm reading and hearing this day, will somebody pinch me please.
When is the last time we had a US President declare war on an endemic American people group?
Anytime you feel froggy, Hoffa.
Looks like that apple didn't fall far from the tree.
Wasn't Hoffa, Jr., a draft dodger? Big talk from a little man.
Makes you wonder if we'll all being asking the same question about him someday as we did his father....
While they were talking, men all over the country were training. They didn't care how much their ruck weighed...it weighed what it weighed. They didn't care how tired they were, they kept training until the FTX was over. They didn't care when the next meal was coming; they'd eat what they could when they could.
All they cared about was: hitting their target every time they depressed the trigger; making sure they could go days on end with little rest; ensuring they could move in any environment without being noticed......because "We're Everywhere!"
In fact, from things I've heard, Hoffa's speech brought forth laughter....long and loud.
Bring it. I am ready. En garde, Mr. Hoffa.
Bring it mother F(*ker. Lets see if you make a better tasting hot dog than your old man.
Bring it.
And I was depressed because I thought all that ammunition I preloaded was going to waste.
What does this leftist law school graduate know of the working so called class!?
Here I sit with three fingers severely bruised from a lathe chuck slipping off of a mounting I was fitting to the chuck (my good luck nothing was broken cracked or severed).
And this paper warrior has the audacity to threaten people like me?
Lucky for me I shoot just as well with my other hand.
By the way the chuck mounting is now an almost perfect 1 to 1 tolerance of zero fit. Better than required for tuning up union thug blasters!
I am quite proud of my success on this task.
Sounds like fightin' words to me. Bring it on, Junior! And yes, the prez hisself is behind this moron.
We won't start it, but it sure looks like we're gonna get our licks in real soon!
Who owns guns? Conservatives,libertarians,veterans,
active duty military,patriots,and militia men.
Who will side the gunowners? The military. Do not doubt for a second that the military will turn against us. They secretly support us and when shit does hit the fan,the progressives will be shocked to see whose side the military will join. We have alot of support is high places.
These unionist do not own guns,some never fired a rifle before. They will get slaughtered if they want to have a socialist revolution.
"Like father like son" - an observation, a prayer, and a prediction.
Ya know something, I'm getting to the point where I'm actually looking forward to it.
You have an open invitation to come on down to a Tea Party anytime you want at King Mountain NC. Historic place where Patriots take take of tyrants like you. Just name the time and date. Bring all your friends and toys. The III% are ready and anxious to end this thing once and for all. Molon Labe.
MIlitaristic rhetoric is and has always been part and parcel of american politics..........the black congressional caucus dudes remarks and the slander of the patriot movement as a whole as being a hotbed of racists bothers me more than hoffa's remarks, mostly because it is a very effective divide and conquer tactic that is working.
Bring it, little man. But you'd better be leading the pack mob. I may go down, but I guar-an-damn-tee that I'll have an honor guard in hell of the bodies piled around me.
B Woodman
One of my old Army buddies from the early '70s grew up in Union, New Jersey where his next-door neighbor was Anthony Provenzano (sp?) also known as Tony Pro of the New Jersey Teamsters/Mafia. Learned a few things about the Teamsters/Mafia that set me straight on Labor Unions and their management. Tony Pro was suspected in making Jimmy Hoffa disappear long ago.
"Looks like that apple didn't fall far from the tree." My grandpa on my mother's side used to say: "far from the horse" as in horse apples, but then he wasn't a sensitive fellow, born in 99' as in 1899. Miss the old codger sometimes, he had a way with words, knew what real money was too.
My Dad said that folks that tell you what they are going to do, do nothing.
Watch the other hand, the quiet ones.
Sent Jimmie a message. Told him it was obvious the apple wasn't too far from the tree and that if he felt froggie to jump. That as a retired Marine Vietnam vet, I looked forward to meeting his sorry ass in combat.
I wonder if I'll ever get a response...
I read he said this just before Dear Reader took the podium to speak - and he failed to disown this evil?
But... Sarah uses surveyor.s symbols on a map and she's accused of "inciting violence"?!
As someone else said: "there's TWO end-zones in The Meadowlands, and only ONE of them is occupied!
All I can say is "BRING IT. ANYTIME you're feeling froggy, you just go ahead and JUMP!
We'll wait...
The Tea Party isn't even a real entity, just a political movement. There are no leaders to assassinate, no headquarters to firebomb. The union, on the other hand, has those things, and union workers are easy to find and track from their places of employment. Federal buildings are very prominent, as are courthouses, etc.. If they truly want a war, no serious military analyst would give them good odds against a well armed, well trained, determined guerilla movement. But what the hell, now is as good a time as any.
Hey asshole. I'm a worker. I work my ass off, and nobody insures, feeds, clothes, or houses my family for me. I do it. I'm tired of hearing you commie douche-bags bump your gums about "fighting." Bring that shit. I'll show you a fight.
Is the Tea Party all unemployed? I don't understand how we aren't workers also? I guess "workers" has a specific meaning in this case. I certainly work my ass off.
I am neither a son of a bitch nor a barbarian - but the day either Hoffa's union thugs or Biden's government thugs try to take me out, I will be compelled to read them from the book.
"...the way of transgressors is hard." - Proverbs 13:15
Junior evidently has a short memory. Whereas I remember network news coverage of an NRA sponsored Anti-Gore rally in a big union state where about a third of those in the hall had on UAW jackets. That sea of jackets with the big emblem made quite a stir on the news for a few days. In essence, AFofL/CIO leadership was solidly pro-Gore but a significant percentage of their members were telling their leaders to pound salt.
My point is that in unions as in police departments, the big wheels have political jobs and make political speeches that the rank and file don't necessarily support or agree with.
Threepers are everywhere, even in big labor. Junior needs to watch his mouth, and his back.
Watch the other hand, the quiet ones.--neomom
This noisy rally is only political theater. Unions are not going to overthrow the capitalist wage system; they have too much invested in it.
Meanwhile, an army of Brownshirts is quietly organizing in Chicago, Boston and Philadelphia where "flash mob" techniques are being test modeled. The New Black Panther voter intimidation incident is a prime example of Barak's reelection strategy.
Flash mobs will disrupt the federal elections. Barak will then invalidate the results, which have produced a Democrat Party wipe-out. Lame duck Democrats will eagerly support his actions. Lame-ass Republicans will reluctantly relent and agree with them to maintain a bipartisan status quo, pending a new election free from violence.
That is when the real war begins.
Now lets seeeee. We have the Mexican illegals, the drug cartel, cowardly black racists and now the lawless unions all rattling to be the first to fire on Fort Sumpter. LOL Think about it. We couldn't have prayed for anything better.
Apparently Fox DID "improve" the context a little. But funny, not even Media Matters has the whole speech...why dat? It doesn't change the fact that Democrats won't live under the same rules they presume to make for Republicans.
Update: Obama then said...
Duly noted.
Judging by the more than enthusiastic response of 3%ers I'd say that there ought to be a shortage of plumbers and truck drivers after the shooting stops.
Very entertaining. Really made my day! What an endorsement he must be to obama.
Hard to believe Obama didn't know what Hoffa was going to say before he said it. They flew to the event together on Air Force One.
Now I gotta wonder if a mentally disturbed man didn't take Hoffa's words to heart by shooting up National Guards at an IHOP just one day later.
Sounds to me like they not only declared war but also drew first blood. Some will see it that way and it's only going to get worse.
You want some, come get some.
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