Elijah Cummings gestures with one of his bloody hands. When he ran the Oversight committee he did nothing about ATF abuses.
Politico pimps the Democrats Gunwalker meme: 'Fast and Furious' inquiry broadens
Houston Chronicle: Dems use forum to push tighter gun laws. Lawmakers introduce new legislation and stricter penalties.
Watkins said that though she hadn't seen the discussion at the Democratic forum, the majority believes gun control issues simply aren't relevant to the investigation of Fast and Furious.
"We're really on two different planes here," she said.
From BlueRidgeNow: Did Justice create a false flag operation?
There may be some reason, other than false flag, that high-ranking officials in the Justice Department encouraged the transfer of legally purchased guns to Mexican drug lords, but I can’t think of one. If you can, let me know.
John Richardson on Fisking The Obfuscators.
The Obfuscators, otherwise known as the Democrats on the House Oversight Committee, issued a report today entitled Outgunned which sought to shift the blame for Operation Fast and Furious from ATF to gun control laws. As I said yesterday, they are merely diversionary tactics to divert attention from the Obama appointees in the Department of Justice (and maybe DHS) who more than likely authorized this project in order to build support for more gun control in America.
It looks like CNN and the LA Times are buying into it which doesn't say much for the intelligence and integrity of much of mainstream journalism. CNN took much of what Rep. Elijah Cummings and the rest of Democrats at the "forum" said as gospel. . .
Elijah Cummings has had a Marxist twinkle in his eyes ever since I can remember. There is great guile there...
"ATF agents say gun laws need to be tightened for them to fight organized crime along the U.S.-Mexico border."...Really?
There it is .... knew it would come around. Let's introduce a ... let me see shall we call it, "border safety and re-distribution act" or something clever. We will make the border safer, by limiting gun purchases to the citizenry and re-distribute all our guns to the warehouses at our abandoned military bases ... something like that. Of course it will be cleverly disguised in 2000 pages of gibberish that most attorneys couldn't decipher along with joining hands to agenda 21.
I told y'all that this would be how the tyrants... "yellow rat bastards" would try to land on their feet!!!!
As I said in a previous comment:
They (MSM) are setting up a "narrative of 2011" in the vein of '95.
As I responded there:
According to Encyclopædia Britannica
Terrorism, the systematic use of violence to create a general climate of fear in a population and thereby to bring about a particular political objective. Terrorism has been practiced by political organizations with both rightist and leftist objectives, by nationalistic and religious groups, by revolutionaries, and even by state institutions such as armies, intelligence services, and police. ..
The BATFE, and Federal government at large engaged in terrorism by allowing the guns to walk, they figured a pile of Mexican bodies would provide the incentive ("under the radar" of course) to ram new restrictions through by whatever means necessary. By supporting those entities, Cummings, Shumer, Brady bunch et al are in material support of terrorism and should be promptly transported to the appropriate facilities in Cuba to begin their interrogations to find out how deep this treason goes and product arrest warrants for their supporters.
Read the founding documents and you'll discover that the 2nd Amendment was put in place to ensure that the unorganized militia (you and I and my fellow Americans) have precisely the same armament that our military does. All of it.
What to do?
Imprison, impeach and disband those parts of the federal government who no longer (or never did) honor the oath of office.
Molon Labe!
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