David Codrea's on fire and the subject, as usual, is the NRA.
Also, don't forget David's radio show today. The line-up?
* Bilirakis makes Tampa inquiry
* The Dirty Dozen
* NSSF/Long Gun reporting
* Oath Keepers Threat
* WY permitless carry runs afoul of feds
* Monkeywrenching the long gun reporting requirement
* NM gunrunning to Mexico--by government, naturally
* AZ lawmaker points gun at reporter
* Guy Smith/Gun Facts interview
* Silent Soldier knife
* Gunwalkin' with Vanderboegh
Join us at 7:00 am Pacific/10:00 am Eastern on NBC 1260 AM/96.1 FM, Scottsdale, or click "Listen Live."
Hey Dutchman, Check your E-Mail.
And I do.
Every time.
Without fail.
To Bellevue, WA.
I figure that way it won't end up in Harry Reid's pocket. And it just might help defray some of SAF's expenses run up doing what NRA should have done in the first place.
Then I send a voided photocopy of the check to Chris or Wayne explaining why they didn't get my "political speech". That one goes registered w/ return receipt requested, NOT in the prepaid envelope. What's the point of sending it if some flunkie in the mail room pitches it in the trash before it gets read. Hell, I don't know if I'm making any difference in Fairfax, but it makes me feel a whole lot better.
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