Monday, May 2, 2011

Unrepentant convicted federal extortionist offers his words of "wisdom" on Gunwalker.

The purveyor of "sparklies of death" warns about sparklies of death, among them, he says,

GunWalker: So what? Is it news that this part of our Government is out of control? There will be ZERO real world impact that benefits Team Liberty from GunWalker.

Pete links here.

While "Kerodin" (not his real name) is building his time machine inside his tiny mind to go back and strangle babies in the crib, he gives us these words of "wisdom."

Gunwalker is not a substitute for preparedness. I have said that many, many times. Advancing the Gunwalker truth delegitimizes the regime in a way that has never been possible before, which motivates more recruits and boosts preparations of the armed citizenry, not lessens it. It is also a huge psy-op coup on the agencies the enemies of liberty count on to do their bidding. If that is so, then how does it NOT benefit "Team Liberty"?

Once again he has adopted a false dichotomy (something godless collectivists are very good at). This convicted, self-admitted felon, who the ATF knows personally and has by the nads having been also convicted of a "gun crime," wants us to give the ATF and the regime a pass because "there will be ZERO real world impact that benefits Team Liberty from GunWalker."

There has already been "real-world impact" from Gunwalker and there will be more, "Kerodin's" (not his real name) practical exculpation of the Gunwalker criminals or not.

We must do both political and practical work. I have never said any different. Does "Kerodin" (not his real name) think we are credulous children and not capable of the full range of resistance activity?

"Kerodin's" (not his real name) real problem with Gunwalker is that it has zero to do with advancing his cause, which is him.


Anonymous said...

I think, in proper context, the meaning is that Gunwalker will not result in any rollback of 2nd Amendment infringements.

While there will be, and already have been, impacts resulting from the debacle, I seriously doubt we will see any unconstitutional gun laws (and they are all unconstitutional) repealed.

Will the ATF/DOJ/Holder/Obaba be discredited?

Of course. That is good. No doubt. Fire for effect.

However, they will be discredited not for violating the Second Amendment, but for violating it in an underhanded, dishonest, criminal manner.

They intentionally ignored and violated their blatantly unconstitutional mission and reason for existence.

That, in a nutshell, is
what it's all about.

So, by all means, let 'em have it, both barrels. I hope something is actually done beyond what we're seeing. Prison terms. Convictions. Punishment. If you or me had knowingly let Mexican drug gangs get firearms, we'd be in jail right now, not exchanging letters with a friggin congressman.

They're still all agents of tyranny, whether they gave the orders, complied, or blew the whistle. At least in my opinion.

So, long story short, will the outcome of Gunwalker give me any of my 2A liberties back?

Nope. Expecting such would be silly. Nothing short of an outright insurrection (of several possible flavors) will, in my opinion. Government never surrenders power. Never.

Will it bloody the noses of those enforcing infringements?

Could be. At least some of them.

Any stool in a bar fight.

Keep swinging.


Anonymous said...

Mike, thank you so much for your patriotic work and the warning about Kerodin. Unfortunately, I have always been gullible.

Anonymous said...

It's no surprise coming from a guy who, along with Kevin Shelton (aka the Florida Money Man), once thought it was a good idea to throw a pile of money up in the air in a crowded Florida mall. A dozen people were injured, which tells me all I need to know about his ability to predict the future.

See the entry titled, "Call Security"

Quoted below in case the link doesn't work:

Call Security!

Kevin Shelton and Christian Hyman proved to be mall security guards' two worst nightmares. Shelton, the self-proclaimed “Money Man” of Florida, shot $2 bills into a crowd gathered at Sembler Co.'s Bay Walk in St. Petersburg. The resulting melee caused 12 injuries and brought a mountain of bad publicity. In Washington, D.C., the Office of Homeland Security arrested Hyman, who billed himself as a security expert. Hyman allegedly attempted to extort $120,000 from major mall owners in exchange for keeping mum about security violations he claimed he had found at their shopping centers. A subsequent search of Hyman's apartment uncovered explosives.

Son of Liberty said...

i dont have any ties or allegiance to either you OR him, but here's the rest of the comment:

The bloggers & writers who are making their contribution to the Liberty Movement by chasing down GunWalker and other stories are making wonderful contributions to the process of documenting the long train of abuses and Necessary Fails that are leading us to Implosion. But be careful not to spend too much time at the computer, hip deep in the minutia, when your preps are not finished.

Your family needs another bag of rice or another CQB romp with Dad more than you need to know the latest insult and counter-point offered by Pols on the Hill over debt.

theres absolutely no reason to be butt-hurt over this. persuing this bickering, is by definition: a sparklie.

Gaviota said...

I have to wonder: This guy rants daily on the subject of resistance, preparedness, and practicing Close Quarters Battle scenarios. As a prohibited person, what kind of use is HE going to be in a CQB situation? He (allegedly) doesn't own a gun, so he's spent all these years without practicing tactics. I'd ask him myself, but he wouldn't answer the question, he'd just launch into a polemic rant attacking me personally.

Because he's been so wildly indiscreet with his mouth-foaming public rhetoric, he risks having an energetic cop read his hysterical blog and decide to investigate and search his home and other property for evidence of illegal possession of weapons.

It'll be interesting to witness HIS resistance.

Anonymous said...

"Once again he has adopted a false dichotomy..."

Yep. It's the typical Marxist screed: "You're either part of the solution or you're part of the problem."

In reality, most of the people I meet on a daily basis are largely noncommittal on political issues. I suspect this is done primarily out of politeness. They wish to avoid giving offense.

Lumping them in with fleas, dogs and other parasites seems to be wide of the mark. I strive to inform my fellow-citizens on the issues-of-the-day and hope they will have the common decency to act on what they discover.

Is such hope misplaced? Perhaps it is. No man can see the future with perfect clarity; only time will tell us if our best efforts will bear fruit.

To hell with the defeatists. Don't give way to despair. Resist the temptation of nihilism. . Get to it and work while it is yet day.


Dennis308 said...

Mike, K's piece reminded me to call my congrescriter again, after way to many times doing so. He also reminded me to NOT STOP getting prepared for the shit storm most are sure is coming.

Will anyone in team tyrantis be going to prison? I have my doubts after Waco and Ruby Ridge and the Crimes Perpetrated by Fed-Force in these two instances I have doubt about any kind of justice in this once great land. Until we are willing to stand up and make justice for ourselves. And I don't see that happening anytime soon.


Anonymous said...

It has become clearly apparent to me that America is no longer the "land of the free" because it is no longer "the home of the brave."

Show me irrefutable evidence to the contrary, PLEASE!
