A great time was had by all, including observing stupid ATF tricks -- uniformly bad field craft overall on their part. Maybe they were rookies, but obvious eavesdropping is silly. Here's a tip: ironed teeshirts, pressed jeans and a certain kind of shoes are dead giveaways. These guys are not in the league of Jay Dobyns by any means.
Heard some of you were trying to find the guy in the CBS hat, yet we didn't link up. I'm sorry, the Creek is a big place. For a time I sat resting in the Shotgun News tent (on the right as you walk in -- have you subscribed lately?).
Didn't have much money but I found some deals for you Threepers if you want to follow up.

First off, Rock's Surplus of Washington, IL had a table that was stacked with serviceable ALICE packs in excellent condition with frames, straps, kidney pads, the works in both medium and large for $20.00 each. I chatted with Mr. Phillip Rock and he said he would be happy to extend the same price (plus shipping) to any Threeper who would like to order one from him. His phone rings off the hook at the best of times, he says, so asks that anyone who wants one (or more) email him at 0017625@comcast.net .

Remember this post on military pyrotechnics?
I talked with Mr. Cope of Cope's Distributing about this Polish flare pistol and ammo he had on display.
The pistols are $50 a pop (up from the $35 I paid for mine a few years back) and he has pallet loads of the following pyrotechnic ammo:
White parachute flares, 10 rounds $35.00.
Red star signal flares: 10 rounds $30.00.
White star signal flares: 10 rounds $30.00.
Orange smokes: 10 rounds $30.00.
Blue smokes: 10 rounds $30.00.
Here's the problem: Because of federal bureaucracy he can't ship in less than pallet loads. Of course he can sell over the counter, so anyone who's in the neighborhood (or passing through) Greenville, Ohio can stop in and pick up small quantities. Cope's email is sales@copesdistributing.net. Their address is 640 Markwith Road, Greenville, OH 45331. Their phone numbers for orders are 866-523-2673 and 866-775-9455.
Of course if you go to the Creek tomorrow, he'll be happy to sell you as many or as few as you like.
I also spotted U.S. military green star clusters on a table for $45.00 a pop (not a terrible price these days) and booby trap simulators $10.00 each in a pack of five.

AMD-65 Hungarian AK magazine pouch.
Found these in the barn off to the right from the main table area for five for twenty bucks. Couldn't afford it, but I got five anyway. Much stouter than the Chinese five-pockets that Cheaper Than Dirt was selling a few years ago (but are now out of stock) and with a longer shoulder strap.

Finally, here's my favorite tee shirt of the day:
We will probably take it easier on my foot tomorrow and go to the Patton Museum in the morning and then go back to the Creek in the afternoon for the night shoot. Keep your eye out for the fat man with the cane in the CBS hat and if you're asking the Shotgun News tent would be a good place to start.
oops, no t-shirt pic.
How could they have forgotten the Rhamster's name? He is surely the handler for several of those others who were listed.
I want one of those shirts.
I live in Illinois under the victim disarmament laws. The pols haven't yet been able to pass HB-148. I'm not sure it's a veto proof majority backing the bill, but the bill is supposed to be passable as it is now.
Please let us know who's selling the shirts. Web address will be fine.
Wouldn't that be Communist republic and oppressors???
Great hat ... wear with pride.
Can't say for certain if the well dressed folks were batfags, but when you see five, it makes your neck itch a bit.
Blew my wad on a trunkload of 5.45x39 before folks see what a value it is and start panic buying.
Ironically, it us "down staters" with the AK's!
Its a shame that a handful of counties can give my state a bad name. Guilt by association I suppose. Any way we can give Chitcago to Canada?
The term we've been using for more than a few years now is, "Der Peoples Socialist Republik of Illinoize. The state Capitol used to be Springfield, but it seems for the past few decades the Caesarii are now ruling from Cook county.
IF you're runnin' an AK, those Hungy-packs ain't a bad deal at all - though when loaded with 5 steel 30-rounders they aren't exactly light...
I rigged some with a pad (cut off a kids old backpack) and - with a pistol-belt through the loops on the back - works just fine, and for cheap!
If you're REALLY feeling macho, cross the two shoulder-straps and you're all set with 10 loaded mags...
Side-pockets hold the ubiquitous commie oil-bottle and a "butt-stock" cleaning-kit - neither generally included with the pouch.
Personally, I'd grab up some more of these if I could -- it would be prudent to have at least two to go with every ak-pattern rifle in one's collection.
If necessary, you could hand a neighbor (or other recruit) 2 pouches (with belt) and a rifle, and they'd be all set to go.
I'd recommend including (in the side-pouches):
* a com-bottle of oil (I like synthetic motor-oil - 5w40 seems to work well and is easy to drain from the dregs of an oil-change), in one pouch
* a bottle of Ed's-Red (I hit these bottles with some red paint) in the other.
* a cleaning kit in the one "littler" pocket)
* a stuck-shell remover in the other (JUST IN CASE!)
Be cautious, though...
It's not a great idea to store these leather bags in a dry safe - if they get too dry they'll crack - and keeping 'em loaded with steel mags in a high-humidity environment they're likely to rust.
I solved this by wiping the mags down with JUST A SHEEN of oil (don't want 'em dripping) and sealing them back in a plastic-bag before putting them in the bandos.
Harbor-freight sells a little battery-operated "bag sealer" that works tolerably well once you get the hang of it. I made my mag-bags out of bigger zip-locks, but in hindsight could have used cheap roll-plastic as well. Seam 3 sides, insert mag, seal the 4th.
Likewise, I suppose you COULD just wrap 'em in plastic and tape - the goal being to keep the humidity from rusting them.
I've stored some others in the plastic "small parts" bags that my local HW store had on a roll - I just bought a roll from him. Load the mag, put in bag, roll the top down to seal and tape closed.
I've experimented with tossing in a small dessi-pack found in a shoe-box, but I doubt if it will make any real difference - the oil and plastic should be fine.
If you're caching, tossing a REAL dessi-pack in a bucket or can before sealing is probably a better option anyway...
Forgive me not knowing, but I was never a ground-pounder.
Does the "Medium" vs. "Large" pack refer to the PACK size? The FRAME size? Both?
COMMERCIAL pack frames vary in size along with the pack -- thanks in advance for the info!
Those ALICE pack prices are real good. I put quick release buckles on the straps of mine and tossed the frame though as it hinders when carrying a rifle. That Hungarian mag pouch is sweet. Now I will be on a mission to find one for myself.
Thanks for going where you go and doing what you do when you get there. You are quite awesome, Mr. Vanderboegh.
Anon 8:04,
For the ALICE packs, the frame is the same for both medium and large packs. The MEDIUM vs LARGE refers to the pack itself. The MEdium pack has only three large outside pockets on the pack. The Large pack has three large outside pockets + three smaller outside pockets
Another difference is that with the medium, you don't need the frame to attach the shoulder straps to the pack. It's an either/or optional.
But you Do need the frame with the large pack to attach the straps to the frame, as the large pack does not have the additional loops to attach the shoulder straps directly to the pack.
Either way, get one & enjoy. I have both. The medium is best for short overnighters, the large is good for longer excursions.
B Woodman
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