Kenneth Melson, The Gunwalker Man, in the dock.
Now that George Gillett, ASAC of Phoenix has rolled and is talking all desperately friendly-like to Senator Grassley and Congressman Issa (and no doubt filling their offices with all sorts of new files, emails, timelines and phone logs), it is not too soon to start picking out a cellmate for Acting Director of the ATF Kenneth Melson, The Gunwalker Man. Now, exclusively at Sipsey Street, we have a contest to pick a simpatico cellmate for Director Melson when he meets justice. Please vote in the comments for the one who you think is the best fit for Melson to spend the next twenty years behind bars with.

Candidate #1

Candidate #2

Candidate #3

Candidate #4

Candidate #5

Candidate #6

Candidate #7

Candidate #8

Candidate #9

Candidate Group #10: The Mexicanos Diablos of Cellblock D.
I pick Morris Dees. A lying, womanizing pervert, and a lying, oath-breaking perversion of an LEO.
Lots of cold nights in the cellblock, you know. ;-)
I wonder if any ATF employees will ever see anything more than a slap on the wrist and maybe an early taxpayer-funded retirement. I can hope, but hope and reality are sometimes far from each other.
My concern is that this "proves" to the government the "need" for "better oversight", ala a sitting director (such as Traver), or oversight under Janet the Second.
Our government has a way of taking an obvious conclusion and obfuscating it until all that seemingly remains is a "need" for more government.
Americans and Mexicans, many innocent, have died over this "Fast and Furious".
Many more will.
Not one of these pukes will ever be tried as they really deserve. Accessories to murder, international gun traffickers, aiding and abetting terrorists, defrauding the American people, arming insurgents in Mexico come to mind.
So does enforcing 2nd Amendment violations (at gunpoint), but sadly, that's not yet a crime.
How about some of those "people of Walmart" for cellies? There are some real doozy's out there.
Actually, I would nominate Eric, Barack, and Janet to join him. I understand that Illinois is planning to put transgendered inmates with the gender they identify with, and Janet surely...
Depends on when he rolls. If he does so early I say go easy on him and stick him with Newell.
If he holds out then put him in the cell block with the Mexicans AFTER they're forced to watch this all unfold on C-SPAN.
I have a cellmate pick which was not represented... Barry Sotero!
The turd sitting in the Oval Office.
#11 all of the above ;)
Candidate Group #10: The Mexicanos Diablos of Cellblock D.
Perfect fit. He supplied them with weapons, they will supply him with LOVE.
Gosh! They all seem to be good choices. I think though since this whole affair dealt with Mexicans, group #10 would suit Mr. Mellson best.
Group 10 all the way. They are gonna love his cherry butt hole
Number 5: Morris Dees.
Hands down
Candidate Group #10: The Mexicanos Diablos of Cellblock D.
I'm with Warrier on this one...
John - Florida
I like #2. At least if "Wild Bill" Newell goes in with him there'd be two of the Phoenix crew.
The problem is, if Gillett starts talking, people a lot higher than Melson will be implicated. Of course, with the current makeup of the Senate there is not a snowflake's chance on the skin of a 50 megaton thermonuke of Obama being SUCCESSFULLY impeached. Since he could easily pardon anyone he chooses (likely AFTER the 2012 election) so no one will do time that is not already on the Prez's shit-list.
A final thought. Since the alleged criminal misconduct was at the federal level, why should ANYONE do time? DOJ has proven on multiple occasions that it is entirely comfortable picking and choosing what laws it will enforce. I'm not even sure ANYONE will be prosecuted - irrespective of the facts brought out by Congressmen Issa and Grassley.
But I always was an optimist.
I hope your assessment of the completeness of Gillett's cooperation is not overstated. Now, don't get me wrong. I hope this is all it seems, but hope is a vaporous thing with these guys.
I'll believe it when it passes the point of no return.
Personally I think Fleece Johnson would be the best choice:
"We can do this the easy way or the hard way..."
I agree with what you say, but,
whenever I think of the 'government' as someone to fix things, all that comes to mind is thieves and gangsters. There's no one in D.C. that can fix anything, they are the root of the problem, as in 'masters of evil'.
Complaining to Al Capone about the mob, or telling the SS that the Gestapo is breaking the law?
We need a complete and total overhaul, so that not one of them ever steps out of line or they will find themselves on the end of a rope over the Potomac.
Newell of course but dear Mr. Dees should be paired up with group #10. A real educational experience for him I'm sure he'd never forget.
I do not think group 10 would be an effective punishment. Melson is probably a mexican gang folk hero to them. Making sure they get all the free weapons they need. He would be like their patron saint... Any of the rest would do with preference to a chronic anal rapist with a life sentence if there is one in those pics....
Eric Holder, hands down.
Mike, I'm going to have to go with number 10. Ten is a good pick for any number of reasons. But my hunch is they (the boyz in pick 10) have nothing to lose and I'm sure one or more of them may have had a family member murdered with one of the firearms he allowed to "walk" into Mexico. It could be looked at as a cost cutting measure to hold down prison cost by picking number 10, too!
#7 looks like a NICE boy to share a room with no view with !
hmm; howabout charlie manson....they would be a perfect couple then...
Jeff Dahmer comes to mind but I believe he's already gone...
Why does Candidate #8 remind me of Chris Byrne (albeit, without the extra pounds)?
#10. The vacancy should open up again within the week. Same as 1st ANON @ April 10, 2011 7:32 AM.
Does this feel like the "quickening" to anyone else?
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