"And right after I convince you credulous clods that you can buy this full-auto Kalashnikov at an American gunshow, I'm going to send it south to Mexico so the bloody headlines it makes can REALLY scare you."
"Still, some information has been gleaned."
For instance, there are email responses from the Chicago Field Division with a tag line about never quitting based on the SEAL ethos. A source identifies this as coming from Andrew Traver, who has been nominated by President Obama to be the Bureau’s director. That would place him directly in the decision-making loop on the "Gunwalker" response.
There is speculation that Sen. Chuck Grassley pulled attachments off a posted report (what Gun Rights Examiner was the first to post under the title “Rosetta Stone”). There’s an email telling how a whistleblower was “’called to the carpet,’ caused to participate in two meetings, was accused of lying in the first meeting, and was ordered to write a memorandum disclosing everything that he/she had told the Senator’s staff.”
The FOIA results themselves are posted here.
There are a couple of tantalizing tidbits, however it's really rather disgusting.
Either they block the text of the e-mail or they block the sender/recipient. Nothing like "transparency" huh??!!
What a joke! "Indicative of Bureau stonewalling?" Why not "here's a few scraps of paper we dug out of the trash before it went out to the curb...oh, and some of them even have our letterhead on them. Don't say we never sent you anything"?
Well, I guess if they can ignore Congress, then Codrea isn't especially worth fearing, is he?
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