"Hmmm. How original. Now we will actually have an excuse for doing nothing."
Attorney General Holder braces for Justice shutdown.
More than 100,000 Justice Department employees, including federal law enforcement officials from the FBI, ATF, DEA, U.S. Attorney offices and many other agencies, will know by Friday whether they will be required to work during a looming government shutdown.
Attorney General Eric Holder sent a memo to employees, obtained by CNN, that promised, "Should it become necessary to implement our contingency plans, you will receive notice from your manager no later than Friday April 8th regarding the designation of your position and status."
Justice Department officials have stressed repeatedly, but unofficially, that all employees involved in assuring public safety and protecting the nation against terror, espionage and crime threats will be considered "essential" employees, and required to work during a layoff.
Holder told employees Wednesday that "as soon as funding lapses federal departments and agencies will not be permitted to incur further financial obligations performing activities funded by annual appropriations except those related to the orderly suspension of operations or performance of excepted activities."
As various federal agencies scramble to nail down funds with the shutdown looming, FBI Director Robert Mueller told Congress Wednesday the proposed short-term funding measure for the balance of this year would leave the FBI behind other agencies in dealing with vital intelligence.
Don't worry. In an effort to reassure the public, the FBI announced that it will continue to do nothing in the murder investigation of Brian Terry and ATF Director Melson reassured his managers that the Gunwalker Scandal Coverup would still be in place when they got back.
Just have to remind them they stole guns from law abiding Americans and sold them to scumbag drug dealers when they get back from their little vacation...
It's drama-shutting down the govenrment! Please! It's a scare tactic to remind us we need them for some reason, and they'll drag the elderly and our active duty military and threaten to hold their paychecks if the pig troughs aren't kept open.
Bullshit. Find a consolidated annual financial report and you get an ideal just how huge a pile of bullshit this is.
Shut it down.
Arctic Patriot's "Economic Stimulus and Freedom" package.
Give every sitting senator and congressman, as well as the president, paid vacations for the rest of 2011. We'll throw in a few unelected ones, as well. Send them anywhere, with lengthy layovers in Libya, A-Stan, Pakistan, Egypt, and Somalia. Maybe the Ivory Coast as well for good measure. ATF and DOJ appointees can be sent for vacations in various Mexican free-fire zones.
Revoke visas 1 day after departure.
We'll handle this, thank you.
When you're handing out those free tickets to exotic and hostile places, for extended vacations, be sure you include the DNC and all the Union presidents and staffers. Oh yeah, let's not forget our media friends either.
As a matter of fact, we should fly them first class all the way on chartered aircraft. Perhaps the Mossad will drop off a nice flower arrangement sometime during their trip.
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