Monday, April 4, 2011

David Codrea's take on the SOF award.

I take the SOF award far more seriously than this, but I just couldn't resist. It is important not to take yourself too seriously in any case.


Those are certainly kinder words that many use when they mention our names, and they’re sincerely appreciated. Looks like Mike and I will be going to the annual meeting after all…

I guess I'll have to join the NRA again just to get in the front door. David and me ought to be about as popular as two skunks under the front pew at church on a bright and shiny Sunday morning. Since David lives about 100 miles away, we've already agreed that I will drop my sleeping bag at his place and drive to the convention together. I dunno, do you think we need a convoy escort to avoid ambush by General Sebastian Snowflake's Weinermobile Cavalry?


Anonymous said...

No, not from the NRA weenies....but you may well need one to avoid a fatal car "accident" since the two of you will be in one, vulnerable place.


PS. This may be a duplicate post as it didn't seem to go through the first time.

Mark Matis said...

Maybe you guys ought to take some bottles of mustard with you, for the weeniemobile...

TPaine said...

Yeah! I'd be vewy, vewy caweful going to this thing in one car. You two have caused a lot of trouble lately, and the blogs have shown that others have shuffled off this mortal coil for less.

W W Woodward said...

Thanks, Mike.

Maybe, just maybe, you & David have nudged the NRA off dead center. They've apparently finally noticed the elephant in the room.


Dennis308 said...

An ambush from nra,VERY DOUBTFUL.
A torch job by ATF............. FAR MORE LIKLEY.

Seriously, Sentries at Davids house might be a very good idea. And make the trip in a vehicle registered to someone else or in a rental. They hate and fear you both, don't underestimate them.


fgd-anchorage said...

Normally I would offer my heartiest congratulations, but the context sends chills up my spine. Thus, I offer my prayers for a safe journey for you and David.