Ka·bu·ki, noun.
A type of popular Japanese drama, evolved from the older No theater, in which elaborately costumed performers, nowadays men only, use stylized movements, dances, and songs in order to enact tragedies and comedies.

The NRA weeniemobilers are fixin' to give you the whole foot-long, firearm owners, right where the sun don't shine. Which is something they know quite a bit about.
"Obama Administration To Hold Gun Policy Meetings With Goal Of Policy Changes."
Read the article and then my comments at the other end.
WASHINGTON -- The Obama administration has conducted informal discussions with groups from both ends of the gun-policy spectrum, including law enforcement and gun-rights organizations, and is set to hold formal meetings as early as this week in an effort to chart out a set of new firearms policies, administration officials say.
Spearheaded by the Department of Justice, the talks were described by one individual involved in the discussions as a “feeling-out process.” With more official meetings set to begin shortly, they provide the clearest indication to date that the White House is readying a response to the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) and 19 others at Tucson in early January.
“As the president said, we should focus on sound, effective steps that will keep guns out of the hands of the criminals, fugitives, people with serious mental illness, and others who have no business possessing a gun and who are prohibited by laws on the books from owning a gun,” Justice Department spokesman Matthew Miller said. “We will be meeting with stakeholders on all sides of the issue to discuss how we can find sensible, intelligent ways to make the country safer.”
The goal is to finalize a set of policy changes, including, perhaps, legislation that could pass through a Congress hostile to abridgments of Second Amendment rights. The last serious bite at the apple occurred following the shootings at Virginia Tech in April 2007.
In a Sunday op-ed for the Arizona Daily Star, President Barack Obama called for a three-pronged approach: enforcing the laws already on the books, including the National Instant Criminal Background Check System; pushing for greater state-to-state coordination; and expediting background checks and the release of relevant data.
“It was a promising sign that the president understands that 86 percent of the public, including around 80 percent of gun owners, think that a simple background check for every purchase includes next to zero burden for law-abiding citizens and can save countless live,” said Mark Glaze, the executive director of the coalition of Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG).
The contours laid out in the op-ed are similar to the plan currently being pushed by MAIG and Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.). Schumer, who has also been in touch with DOJ officials, held a press conference with New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg several weeks ago announcing plans to beef up the national background-check system, including eliminating a loophole that allows individuals to buy firearms at gun shows without submitting to a background check.
Though official talks have not yet begun, the Obama administration is expected to aim mostly at such low-hanging fruit, leaving issues like the legality of the high-capacity magazine -- which allows even pistols to fire more than 30 shots without reloading, and was used in the Tucson shootings in January -- to remain unaddressed for the time being. The principal debate, then, will likely center around the application of background-check standards to private dealers.
“They have been meeting with us and also with law enforcement groups and industry,” one gun-control advocate said of the administration. “This is what the White House does when they want to put a serious legislative apparatus together ... The game now becomes effectively demonstrating, in a way that is meaningful, what we know is the overwhelming support for universal background checks.”
"The principal debate, then, will likely center around the application of background-check standards to private dealers."
Get that? "Private dealers," as in individuals, as in YOU AND ME. They are grabbing at the "gun show loophole" again, which is to say you or I couldn't give an heirloom to our kids or grandkids without the government's permission IN ADVANCE. It is a grab to control THE ENTIRE PRIVATE SALE OF FIREARMS. Not even King George III was so grasping!
“We will be meeting with stakeholders on all sides of the issue to discuss how we can find sensible, intelligent ways to make the country safer.”
Translation: We're going to do a deal with the Lairds of Fairfax (the NRA) to sell out the "radicals" in order to comfort the Fudds.
Now things about the Project Gunwalker Scandal are starting to become clearer.
First, they intend to go ahead with the conspiracy to subvert the Second Amendment regardless of the headlines.
And why would they think that they can get away with that?
Because my friends, the fix is in. It is in with LaPierre, Cox and Company and it is, by extension, in with the GOP leadership.

Kabuki Theater.
Kabuki (歌舞伎, kabuki?) is classical Japanese dance-drama. Kabuki theatre is known for the stylization of its drama and for the elaborate make-up worn by some of its performers.
The individual kanji characters, from left to right, mean sing (歌), dance (舞), and skill (伎). Kabuki is therefore sometimes translated as "the art of singing and dancing." -- Wikipedia.
Let me tell you about some phone calls I've been getting lately. Some have been from people on, or close, to the NRA board. Some have been from citizens working the House committee members on the Issa and Smith committees, pressing for early hearings. Let me sum up what they say:
The GOP leadership is loathe to push the Project Gunwalker scandal hearings. Said one congresscritter to someone he thought was sympathetic, "We don't want to be enemies with the ATF." Issa and Smith are both said to be disinterested.
How could that be, you ask, when Smith just sent that demand letter to ATF? Remember he only did it because the NRA was calling for hearings. And why did the NRA call for hearings?
From two sources on or near the NRA board:
"The NRA is doing this just to say that they did. The same goes for Lamar Smith and Issa. After the CBS stories they had to do SOMETHING. LaPierre tried to stay out of it, but he felt the push from below by board members and regular membership, especially some of our law enforcement members."
"LaPierre and Cox had to be dragged kicking and screaming to issuing the demand for hearings, BUT THEY DON'T MEAN A DAMN BIT OF IT. It is all kabuki theater. Everybody knows how this is going to end if they have their way."
So, dear friends, once more the fix is in and the signatures at the bottom of the sellout document are the NRA's and the GOP's. It is all kabuki theater designed to make you think they are doing something when in fact the end of the play is already scripted and the people screwed at the ringing down of the curtain are American firearm owners.
This doesn't mean that it is a done deal. What it means is that we need more of that "push from below" that the Lairds of Fairfax are so afraid of.
"Nothing concentrates the mind so wonderfully as the prospect of being hung in the morning." -- Attributed to Ben Franklin.
Here's what ought to be demanded of the NRA: In order to "concentrate the minds" of Issa, Smith and Company, the NRA ought to make both Project Gunwalker investigative hearings and general ATF oversight hearings part of the grade for politicos they are so fond of waving in people's faces. Vote for hearings or get an "F". Do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars. Tell them you don't believe what they say, you will only believe what they DO.
The NRA is having board elections shortly. The same pledge should be extracted from every mother's son and daughter who wants to be on the board.
This is doable. The fix may be in at the moment, but it can be "unfixed." Whether it is or not is entirely up to you.
But I guarantee you one thing. This entire citizen disarmament by a thousand slices crap will evaporate by the end of the first day of Project Gunwalker scandal hearings in the House.
These are the stakes, literally. More infringements on your God-given, natural and inalienable rights, or Gunwalker hearings that will put a stake in this Dracula plot's citizen disarmament heart.
So I suggest that if you don't want to be forced into becoming a federal criminal when you just want to will your grandkid a firearm without asking the government's permission -- if you don't want to have to shoot back at these tyrannical bastards with the passage of the next federal gun law that makes you a criminal -- that you motivate the sell-out NRA weenies and the do-nothing Stupid Party "leadership" NOW into doing what they claim to do, and being what they claim to be.
Otherwise, the fix is in. Obama knows it, or he wouldn't be pushing this now.
Your move, firearm owners of America.
Your move.
Mike Vanderboegh
The alleged leader of a merry band of Three Percenters.
PS: Post this far and wide.
Dam it's really frustrating to realize all the hard work you've all done done on the current "gunwalker" scandal will bear little to no fruit for us all.
Nor change the direction of all the "elected" tyrants who continue to talk out both sides of their mouths while continuing to stick it to legitimate law abiding,gun owning citizens. Who merely wish to be left alone. Dam...
Offer to picket their tables at gun shows, perhaps merely by standing around with T-shirts: "This organization sold you out on private transfer."
"stakeholders"??? wouldn't that be all citizens?
these guys are just insane. though I can not see regulation of intrastate commerce passing muster, this could be a tough row to hoe Mike.
Mark, a little less cursing and a little more asses and elbows fighting the cover-up might be in order. Just a suggestion.
Not that I don't agree with you, but we need every hand to move the ball forward.
I agree with Ken.
Boycott the NRA everywhere you can. I left them ages ago, but most of my real stupid friends will defend the NRA to the death. After all, they put on great banquets. And they fight for our rights, don't they?
So now we have to begin a campaign to show the nation who the NRA really is, and who they really work for. But sadly, I don't think too many people will change their minds.
And we need a "scorched earth" policy declared in advance for any politico who goes along with background checks for private sales. They need to know that no matter what, and regardless of the other considerations, we will see to it that they are defeated in the next primary.
Our motto should be "anyone but a demonstrated gun-rights turncoat."
And even if they make it out of the primary, we need to promise them we will vote for their opponent in the general election, regardless of party.
And we need to send that message to them all right now. Much like MAD during the cold war, they need to know that whatever the price, we will see to it that their political career goes up in smoke.
Let them take that into consideration as they make their deals.
BUMPED: http://freedomguide.blogspot.com/2011/03/sipsey-street-nra-sells-out-on.html
CALL Your congresscritter, the NRA, whoever, to keep the Gunwalker Scandal, the arming of murdering Mexican drug cartels by the BATFE-WITH OUR GUNS! Guns they stole from innocent, law abiding, peaceable Americans-your Fellow Americans-over some stupid constitution-violating pretext.
Mike, I don't know what more we can do with the pen. We've been writing our congressmen and senators. Apparently both the GOP and the NRA is afraid of the Nazi ATF. I've just written the NRA, but really, they've done nothing in the last 130 years but negotiate away our rights, and it doesn't appear they intend to do anything different now.
Sometimes the pen is not mightier than the sword. No one wants a civil war, but sometimes they don't give you a choice in the matter.
Look what they did to this guy, and he didn't even break any of their laws:
Mike, you gave it a great effort.
You really did!
4 words: Don't Tread On Me.
If they ban private transfer of long-guns, I will violate this law.
Further, I will go out of my way to do so. I will find like-minded people, and hold a "swap-meet" where we can trade guns and dollar-bills - for the sole purpose of violating the unconscionable.
Remember: Loughner didn't use a long-gun, and he didn't buy it from a "private dealer."
REMEMBER: The law says there is to be NO RECORD of NICS checks, other than the 4473 maintained by the dealer.
The **ONLY** reason for banning private sales is so that the .gov can keep track of them.
I'm reminded of a profound quote - I believe it was JFK - something about "those who make peaceful revolution impossible..."??
Many of us live behind enemy lines. Threatening to vote for the opposition to my blue-state lifetime-appointee Sen-Reps does me no good at all. My vote is USELESS - and they know from my zip-code that I'm likely to vote for their opponent anyway.
If you're in the same boat, YOU STILL HAVE POWER AND LEVERAGE!
Join me in contacting every member of the House and Senate Judiciary Committees, demanding hearings and PROMISING a donation to their campaign-fund if they support the hearings, and promising to AT LEAST DOUBLE the donations to their opponent if they do not!
I may not be your constitutent, but I can still make you wish you'd done the right thing!
Point of order: the .gov hinderance on handing down heirlooms is already in place across state lines.
My father-in-law has several he wishes to will to my son. We will have to transfer through a FFL when that day comes.
I think the NRA may have read that spot and realize that it's time to wake up. You can read their response to el presidente here: http://www.nraila.org/pdfs/obamaletter314.pdf
Mike, it's time to start planning for the "Mike Vanderboegh for U.S.Senate" campaign. While running for public office a candidate can say anything they want and it is called "Political Speech" and nobody can say spit. Worth a try and campaign contributions are tax deductible. (The Senate has a really nice medical plan too)
This is a straw in the wind, and it's a big one. The true colors of our legislators, the NRA and the MSM have just about squashed Mike, David, and the other patriots like they are insignificant bugs. With the pending "reasonble measures" of Chuckie, Barry, and their fellow travellers on the horizon, it's time to get ready for round two. Stock up, cache, network, prepare, and pray.
We're in for one wild ride...
I've said it before - my belief is that it won't be long before your NRA moves to actively promoting "gun control," just like the UK NRA does, and will succeed in making a virtue of it.
The UK NRA makes money servicing "gun control" measures, for instance, charging for training courses and the issue of certificates for people to be authorized as range officers when clubs are using military ranges for shooting practice.
The UK NRA is one of those so-called non-governmental organizations that actually owes its existance to the government.
All the US government has to do is make it financially worthwhile for the NRA to toe the governments line, the NRA turncoats won't have to worry about any nonsense about the Second Amendment from its members.
Learn to make them and teach others to do so. The less a people can protect themselves the bolder a tyrant becomes.
Really folks, the Constitution and Bill of Rights no longer means anything to them. It's something in their way which they now ignore completely, while claiming to revere it. Just words, just speeches....
The 'current occupant' has to attempt this gambit now to prevent the HildaBeast from using the Gunwalker scandle to kick off her 2012 presidential campaign. If she tries to nail the Kenyan after he gets this rolling, she would be striking a blow against the gun restriction crowd, and Sorros would trigger the snook in her sniz, or her head would explode, or something.
I think this is a risky Hail Mary play with a good chance of failure, or they would have tried it weeks ago.
Anon @9:03: If Mike runs for office it needs to be in Alabama House District 6 to replace that useless tool Spencer Bauchus.
I've never worked on a campaign before but I'm thinking about it to rid us of that guy.
" We [the NRA] also agree with [the President's] statement that the Second Amendment guarantees (sic) an individual right to bear arms."
Better: The Second Amendment ACKNOWLEDGES the right to keep and bear arms as a gift from God, i.e., an inherent condition. The right was not created by the Second Amendment because it preceded it logically and historically.
The NRA press release is a mixed bag, but it offers no support to the assertion that the NRA has done a back room deal to sell us out.
If there truly is a sell-out, Kerodin already owns the "Traitor!" meme. ;^)
We have a tough fight ahead of us, and the NRA may be a valuable ally. Let's make every possible effort to avoid reducing our ranks
through "friendly" fire.
For Anonymous at 2:13 AM:
It only takes TWO WORDS to explain WHY they know they can get away with ignoring the Constitution and the Bill of Rights - "Law Enforcement". When you OWN them, nothing else matters. They bow and scrape before their Masters, and then do WHATEVER they are told. NO MATTER HOW that violates their oath of office.
AND NOT EVEN IF their Masters have been directly complicit in the murder of at least TWO of their own.
The stench is overwhelming.
There comes a time in every man's life when he wants to spit on his hands, hoist the Jolly Roger, and start slitting throats. H. L. Mencken.
Claire, is it time yet?
Mike the NRA has been the enemy of true patriots for a very long time.
If there’s any hope over this issue it’s from the comments posted so far.
In Illinois the AG wants to make the names of FOID card holders’ public. Any criminal with a computer and a little common sense can then determine who has guns in the State.
The NRA efforts are not to use the Issue to call for a REPEAL of the FOID but to protect privacy, but if we apply the NRA privacy argument to the FOID issue then to protect the rights of the people they should support a repeal of the FOID all together.
In simple terms the damn NRA is protecting the FOID card law.
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