“Firearms in Commerce: Assessing the Need for Reform in the Federal Regulatory Process”
OFFICIAL HEARING NOTICE / WITNESS LIST:September 7, 2010 NOTICE OF COMMITTEE HEARING The Senate Committee on the Judiciary has scheduled a hearing entitled "Firearms in Commerce: Assessing the Need for Reform in the Federal Regulatory Process" for Tuesday, September 14, 2010 at 10:00 a.m. in Room 226 of the Dirksen Senate Office Building.
Verrrry interesting.....but not funny.
It must mean they're going to reassess and reform their wicked ways and employees!
That they're going to restore the Constitution and bill of rights to their formerly prominent positions in law and history!
That they've seen the light and realized that Marxism is not the answer and freedom and individual liberty is!
It's my fantasy and it helps my deal with reality when I'm out of medication.
Mike, I've made several trips to Sodom-on-the-Potomac recently, please check your e-mail for some suggestions. Please - if you can - reply so I know you received them!
Thanks for the Laugh Anon4:51PM
Looking into the abyss won't change it.
Yeah! I was able to contribute!
Can't disarm us!
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