Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Judenrat NRA hasn't changed its colors (pasty white with yellow vertical on spine -- or at least where anybody else's spine would be).

More from the NRA's boneless chicken ranch.


Defender said...

They were forced to give Sharron Angle an "A" by the outcry. I don't think anyone or anything forced them to give the Harry Reid campaign $7,500.
The "Obey existing gun laws people." When I was young, there were still people living who were around when the only gun law was "No slave shall be allowed..."

Kansas Scout said...

I read your explanation of the term "judenrat" but I don't feel comfortable with it's use in our society now. We are not German and most people will read that term as Jew rat. I don't believe your anti-semitic so why even create any misunderstanding? If you are Anti-Semitic I would like to hear it from you directly. My impression of past writting is your not.

Reg T said...

I sent a letter to Larry Potterfield at MidwayUSA, asking him to tell the NRA he will cease his "NRA Round-up" donations until such time as the NRA returns to actually representing its members and the rest of us gun owners and citizens. I haven't received a response at this time, but perhaps other customers of Midway can join me in this and get Mr. Potterfield to help us all out. As I told him, it is obvious that it is money which drives the NRA, so withholding it is probably our only hope of changing their behavior. MidwayUSA represents a considerable amount of money to the NRA.

Anonymous said...

maybe you can teach an old dog new tricks.

Anonymous said...

So I guess they won't address this then:

Erik B. Scott was an exceptional man, shot and killed in the prime of his life by three Las Vegas, NV, police officers on July 10, 2010. At best, his slaying was a terrible mistake and needless tragedy. At worst, it was an execution born of irrational fear and rampant incompetence. As of mid-August 2010, an official investigation was still underway, and most critical evidence was being closely held by the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department. This forum will chronicle events as they unfold, and provide ongoing analysis, commentary and insight...

Anonymous said...

I do not understand what your title refers to. Or what you meant to say.