For Sale:
Jefferson & Varina Davis biographies:
By Hudson Strode
First Edition (1955) Jefferson Davis, Volume I : American Patriot, 1808-1861, A Biography of the years before the Great Conflict (Dust jacket tattered and taped
First Edition (1959) Jefferson Davis, Volume II: Confederate President (Dust jacket worn around edges; autographed by author to Katherine R. Stein, "with the warm good wished of Hudson Strode," dated "October 9, 1959.")
First Edition (1964) Jefferson Davis, Volume III: Tragic Hero, The Last Twenty Five Years, 1864-1889 (Dust jacket worn around edges.)
By Ishbel Ross
First Edition (1958) First Lady of the South: The Life of Mrs. Jefferson Davis (Dust jacket worn around edges.)
All four for $150.00 plus $10.00 shipping.
Respond by email to GeorgeMason1776ATaolDOT.com. First come, first serve. Serious offers only.
Once I confirm your offer by email, send payment in certified check or postal money order to Mike Vanderboegh, P.O. Box 926, Pinson, AL 35126..
LATER: OK, that didn't take long. Tom got the books above. I'll have a few more items for sale in the next few days. Thanks to all who responded.
Should we also assume that anyone who wishes to contribute to your defense fund should send their assistance to that address as well?
Fer such a smart fella you sure are kinda slow sometimes. Need some quick cash? Pre-sell some copies of Absolved, complete with personalized dedications. For a guy who spends as much time on a soapbox with a bullhorn in his hand as you do, you are oddly shy when it comes to self-promotion. Well, that humility isnt always an asset, like now.
Or what Para said.
A day late, a dollar short, as usual........
I know you're limited in what you can say about the situation but I'd like to know if you did in fact get your gun back.
I figure they came up with some excuse to hold it.
Damn, missed it. Oh well....having been laid off in this "recovering economy" I didn't have the $150 anyway.
Too bad....I'm related to Jefferson Davis through his daughter, Dollie.
cool.... "Legal retainer book sale."
2nd what anon#1 said. That's how Larry Correia got into the writing game...
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