Navajos say EPA should clean its spill rather than trying to swindle Indians
These people are scum, and they all need to go to jail.
It's just amazing how often "progressives" are guilty of what they accuse others of, they get a free pass for the same offense if they point the finger at others first. I'm sure there's some tenet in Alinsky's tome that covers this.....
The people of Colorado and NM should hold the heads of everyone one of these EPA shitbags under the milky yellow sulfuric waters on this river until the bubbles stop.
It gets better, or worse, for American Indians:
Navajos say EPA should clean its spill rather than trying to swindle Indians
These people are scum, and they all need to go to jail.
It's just amazing how often "progressives" are guilty of what they accuse others of, they get a free pass for the same offense if they point the finger at others first. I'm sure there's some tenet in Alinsky's tome that covers this.....
The people of Colorado and NM should hold the heads of everyone one of these EPA shitbags under the milky yellow sulfuric waters on this river until the bubbles stop.
If one should encounter these EPA pukes, shoot, shovel, and shut up is an entirely appropriate response, and might even be good for the environment!
P.S. Don't try this at home, hyperbole is hyperbolic, or something... /snarkasm
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