Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Who cares about "Islamist ties" when the guy is advocating amnesty that will destroy the electoral defense of the Second Amendment?

Grover Norquist Suspends Himself from NRA Board Amid Investigation into Allegations of Islamist Ties


Anonymous said...

Don't forget that Alan Gottlieb founder and Director of the Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise (CDFE), Chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, and the Executive Director of the Second Amendment Foundation sent out emails to his supporters who were NRA members to vote for Norquist.

Which makes Gottlieb a traitor to not only the 2nd amendment and to this country but also to his religion.

Norquist and Gottlieb are influence peddlers from the gutters of politics.

Anonymous said...

Sarah Palin turning her back on the NRA and even Glenn Beck openly backing away may well be dismissed as inconsequential by some but the folks ignoring how many people they reach do so at their own peril.

Regardless "suspension" in attempt to let this "blow over" won't suffice.

And just think - the national intelligence director is a muzzle convert apologist just like Grover!!!!

Wake up American Patriots. Sharia isn't coming - it's already here!!