Wednesday, April 8, 2015

"In lowering their hiring standards, the Sarasota Police . . . wants you to know they’re definitely NOT lowering their hiring standards."

Of course they're not.


PO'd American said...

Just more of Obather's Police Task Force recommendations for the US. Chief DePinHead clearly stated that in her poorly worded response. I'm certain that she proudly displays her "local store-front beauty college" Associate's Diploma in her office. She be highly qualified!

Anonymous said...

I recently got CV/resumes for my state's capitol police force...very few have ANY college. Who thinks college should be required? Its a job for idiots. I say just hire GEDs and pay them 15 bucks an hour..there will be plenty of takers.

Anonymous said...

"Uneducated" and "higher education" are two totally different and separate things. I do not have a "higher education", yet I have published a novel and some magazine articles. I have written two computer programs, and I am a self-taught electronics engineer. Just sayin'....