Monday, August 4, 2014

Johnny Dronehunter: Defender of Privacy



T. Paine said...

Not surprising there is a huge array of trolls in the comments section. That alone says it hits the mark!!! Well done.....Johnny Dronehunter.

FedUp said...

Another view on drones, at least the privately owned ones:

They are used to monitor cops:

They're perfectly legal in public:

They're great for twisting tyrants' panties into knots:

Meister said...

The guy in the video is a rep for SilencerCo, he has Indiana and I think Arizona as his areas. Really nice guy who's a gifted distance shooter as well.

Grantmeliberty said...

Unfortunately, the ones the gov uses to abuse We the People, fly too high for a 12 Ga to be effective. Highly unlikely to be able to get a visual on one, much less reach out and touch it. That leaves the controller as the weak link as Matt Bracken pointed out in his Enemies novel.

Anonymous said...

That guy just blew away a kids toy. Congrats Johnny, there is some 10 year old crying his eyes out off camera. Might as well shoot his dog next.

Paul X said...

Those who drone, will be droned. The ruling class has at least as much to fear from this technology as the peons do.

Cool vid, though...

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mike.
I saw a vid.that thumbnailed in the window
after that one.
I am switching from 00 buck or slugs to half frozen Vienna Sausages.
Good God hilarious.
They did not do flechettes correctly.