Mr. Obama’s increasingly expansive appetite for the use of unilateral action on issues including immigration, tax policy and gay rights has emboldened activists and businesses to flock to the administration with their policy wish lists. It also has opened the president, already facing charges of executive overreach, to criticism that he is presiding over opaque policy-making, with the potential to reward political backers at the expense of other interests, including some on the losing side who are threatening to sue. . .
“During your State of the Union address, you stated that you want to make 2014 a ‘year of action,' ” Senator Dianne Feinstein, a California Democrat, wrote to Mr. Obama in March, in a letter requesting that he issue an executive order banning the import of assault or military weapons.
The go-it-alone approach has left the administration — which claims to be the most transparent in United States history — essentially making policy from the White House, replacing congressional hearings and floor debates with closed meetings for invited constituencies.
In less than 80 days the Dear Leader is facing a voter beatdown like none other . Obama will truly be a roasted lame duck. Congress will simply de-fund all his executive orders . That's why Jack Lew asked for a petty cash box for Prezzy of 5 billion.
To the end of the Earth, I'll search for your face For the one who laid all of our beauty to waste Threw our hope into Hell and our children into the fire I am the one who crawled through the wire I am the one who crawled through the wire
...and SHE is very near the top of the list!
Symbolism is such a strong influencing factor. To be taken out by the very thing you fear the most?
The Progs are just going to keep whacking that hornets nest.
In less than 80 days the Dear Leader is facing a voter beatdown like none other . Obama will truly be a roasted lame duck. Congress will simply de-fund all his executive orders . That's why Jack Lew asked for a petty cash box for Prezzy of 5 billion.
To the end of the Earth, I'll search for your face
For the one who laid all of our beauty to waste
Threw our hope into Hell and our children into the fire
I am the one who crawled through the wire
I am the one who crawled through the wire
One begins to wonder if it was wise policy to abandon the practice of burning Witches!
Didn't that fine conservative George HW Bush sign an executive order banning the importation of 'assault weapons' or somesuch back in like 1991?
Eric Holder : "Change is coming"
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