Wednesday, August 27, 2014

CT to split the anti-Malloy vote. When Malloy wins, the gun raids begin, with national civil war to follow.

Mary O'Leary, readers may recall, is the Red Queen of Connecticut "journalism," famous for writing stories and then conducting "interviews" by reading blog posts, Well, the Red Queen reports that Connecticut Citizens Defense League expected to back Tom Foley
The clearest supporter of gun rights in this gubernatorial race is Republican Joe Visconti, who successfully petitioned his way onto the ballot to serve as an option to Foley and Malloy, but the CCDL will not support him.
The CCDL is afraid, with damn good reason, that Visconti will split the anti-Malloy opposition vote and assure the gun grabber's re-election.
Understand this: the only reason Malloy and his KGB toady Mike Lawlor have held off on the gun raids that Lawlor has been itching to do since January is Malloy's fear that a body count of innocent citizens and their families might spoil his re-election chances. Once he IS re-elected in November, we can expect the gun raids to begin before the end of the year -- and, as bloody night follows day, that we will be in a national civil war by January.
I will be in Connecticut the week before the election to make this point.


rexxhead said...

There is a time to make things happen, and there is a time to LET things happen.

The CT GOP has been Democrat-lite for far too long. They've been "team players" so as not to be seen as obstructionists.

Here's a news flash: there are supposed to be several parties with divergent positions, not two with barely recognizable differences. The harvest of all those years of "go along to get along" is about to be reaped.

Alas, Babylon.

Anonymous said...

By January...that soon? God help us.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Wilson, thank the good LORD we didn't have men like you involved in the creation of our Republic. Thank God we had men WITH A BACKBONE and the integrity to not go along just to get along.

Anonymous said...

If it hadn't been for a Tea Party candidate in the district, Ebie Hudak would not have been elected and Kolorado would not have the current gun legislation, as the Republicans would still have had control. Folks might not like it, but that's the way it is. Watch this November elections. It could sure happen again. Third party candidates are not going to win. They will take votes and allow Progressives to be elected. And, no, I'm an Independent voter, not a Republican. But I know the way this game is played.
Devildog in Kolorful Kolorado

Paul X said...

Ah, election follies. Is it ego that drives Visconti, or maybe a payoff from Malloy? We will never know for sure. What we can be sure of though, is that something slimy is going on in the background.

This reminds me of the Libertarian Party, which only exists, as far as I can tell, to cause the election of the most statist major party candidate.

Rexxhead is right. It's time to let the chips fall where they may - and prepare for battle. Embrace the inevitable Revolution, and may Heaven help us.

Anonymous said...

Parts of CT were founded in 1635 on the promise of personal liberty and the protection of private property. It took slightly less than 400 years to turn that completely upside down.
It is shocking what is going on and insane to provoke a Civil War. One might say that any official that deliberately wants to start a shooting war between State Government and citizens should be removed from office as mentally unfit.

Anonymous said...

The game is only played that way, Devil Dog b/c people don't vote their conscience but instead vote the lesser of two evils thereby ensuring evil still gets elected.

So much for "knowing how the game is played".

If you believe in a Creator, there may be a point where you're asked why you continued to vote dishonest, corrupt men into office. I wonder if acknowledgement of compromising principles in hope of slightly less tyranny will buy you some mercy? I hope so for your sake.

Anonymous said...

Which is more an example of karma ?

A "cops" show cameraman shot dead by cops - cops shooting dozens of rounds, when ONLY cops COULD be shooting because the perp had a BB gun

CNN being punked with a fake recording of the Brown shooting?

Anonymous said...

And here in NYS we're right behind them. Cuomo is at this moment getting the funding to enforce the SAFE Act in his second term...Keep your body and mind sharp and your powder dry...

Steady Steve said...

Well, it has to start somewhere.
We better step up our training, lots of fedgov targets to choose from.

Anonymous said...

Are we now defeatists?

Anonymous said...

"The harvest of all those years of "go along to get along" is about to be reaped."

I could not have said it better myself Rexxhead. It is time to get our harvesters started and work long days and nights reaping what we have sown.

Anonymous said...

Its too bad progressives are idiots. Its too bad some voters for the progressive wouldnt defect to the tea partier.

We all know where this is headed.

We elect Republicans, our country falls apart maybe a little slower.

We elect Democrats, our country falls apart quickly.

Both parties will never touch the federal reserve, never touch mega corporations, never reduce rules and regulations.

Time to get it over with.

Anonymous said...

"Understand this: the only reason Malloy and his KGB toady Mike Lawlor have held off on the gun raids that Lawlor has been itching to do since January is Malloy's fear that a body count of innocent citizens and their families might spoil his re-election chances."

Or maybe he is actually intelligent and realizes you are right Dutchman6. When the raids begin, the hornets nest will be kicked for the last time. We called his bluff, and Malloy is forced to not take action.

Some idiot politicans might think that when toddlers gets blown to pieces in a botched raid, or wives start dying, that patriots will be reduced to crying, sniveling bastards.

He may be more intelligent than that. Your average congressman is a con man but they are probably fairly intelligent con men.

Anonymous said...

Many elections are lost by those voters who vote against the eventual winner - but cannot bring themselves to vote for the one who would have saved them; simply because they 'liked' a minority third party better.

Now is not the time to play third party politics ... it is the time of swallowing dead rats and electing those who can win while least opposing our position.

It is Progresivisim vs Pragmatisim
and winning vs losing.

Principle is all very well - but those imprisoned cannot dine well upon principle alone ... you need to be free for it to be tasty fare!


Alan W. Mullenax said...

By January? From your lips to God's ear.

Capitalist Eric said...

I confess... I'm truly lost at this point. You have overtly, clearly expressed the consequences of any attempts at gun confiscation. The .gov thugs know what'll happen (bloodbath), as well.

My question is, WHY do they insist on moving forward with actions that will not only result in failure, but are also suicidal as well?

Are they stupid or just plain insane?

Anonymous said...

Remember, folks. Ross Perot gave us Bill Clinton. Devildog is right. But, I hasten to add that the Tea Party is NOT a "third party". The Tea Party is NOT a political party, only a type of political philosophy within the Republican Party. The ONLY way to get democrats out of office and out of control is to VOTE REPUBLICAN!

- Old Greybeard

Anonymous said...

... and that may just buy us enough time to deal with the Republicans before a clean sweep in subsequent elections.

The alternative is to gird our loins for (un)civil war - though that may well be the final outcome anyway ...

The us precipitating the certainty of slaughter weighed against to slight possibilty of peaceful resolutuion?

Not much of a choice - as usual!


Anonymous said...

Capitalist Eric, the main reason these people are still pushing for disarmament is that they are completely incapable of envisioning a future where we do in fact fight back. You must understand, they are not capable of fighting for anything. They are not capable of even adhering to any form of moral principle. They can't fathom the meaning of such, because they are incapable of thinking in such terms. To them, this is all just chest thumping bravado on our part, with no possibility of reality. They think we will not fight because they would not fight for a moral view which they do not, and cannot possess. They will not even believe what is happening as the bullets strike around them. They will think that we are all just murdering, lawless, heathens (not to mention domestic terrorists) bent on the destruction of the nation, mostly because in their minds, there is nothing worth risking one's safety for in direct competition of any form. And I'd say war is about as direct as competition can ever be.

The other reason is that deep down they hope that in creating this conflict between us and the law enforcers (lots of type A personalities in both groups), our numbers will thin to the point where societal advantage, through the thinning of our respective numbers, then becomes theirs. It is for this reason that 4th Gen Warfare really makes a lot of sense.

Anonymous said...

Foley has already said that he would not push to repeal PA13-3/220 ... so he is saying that he would have signed off on it even if malloy was not in office.
Let the war come, while I'm young enough to make a difference.

Anonymous said...

Mary O'Leary......add her name to the dossier. If she survives the coming ordeal and is captured, she'll be yet another defendant on the list when the war crimes trials start......and it's a long, long, list...

Randell said...

i think to make it simple yes malloy and his state police are that DAMM DUMB

Loren said...

The problem with voting for a third party is you need to completely abandon the defunct party. And yes, that means the big evil guy is probably going to win.


It takes a couple of elections to consolidate a base, and you have to be willing to deal with some of that. Then you're fortified, and guess what, you win.

The problem with voting for the lesser of two evils, is you keep getting evil, and now we see the problem--we can't split the vote now, because the evil guy will win. And the repubs are STILL the lesser EVIL.

If it had been done years ago, there might have been time to suck up and deal with it while getting back up, but now it's too late. BOHICA. At least you voted for someone who promised to use lube.

You said NEVER split the vote when it could be survivable, and now the only option is the shooting time. Deal with it.