Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The latest from the traitoress Boxer: "Senate bill would let families confiscate guns of 'unstable' people."

"Boxer said her bill would allow family members who are concerned about the mental stability of a person to petition the court for a gun-violence prevention warrant. The warrant could prevent someone from buying a gun and would allow the police to confiscate guns already owned by the person if the court deems the person as a threat." As the reader who forwarded this link wrote: "It's a bitter, payback-minded spouse's dream come true."


Anonymous said...

LOL. Yeah. And Babs Boxer is Number One on that list!

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't expect anything less from this certifiable Moon Bat, but think about how many such women hold or have held political office in California. Moon Bats are among us, but that they also hold office reflects more on the voters who put them there.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a lawyer and don't profess to know the laws in every state, but I suspect that there are already provisions in place that allow the seizure of weapons - based on articulable definitive FACTS that result in a court order; not simply 'concern'. Yet another needless 'feel good' law.

Anonymous said...

um really? Isn't anyone concerned at the "report your family member" tone? Personally, I have a few relatives back in the northeast that think I'm off my rocker for moving out west and owning guns. Do they get to call in the cops and report me as unstable? Who defines "Unstable"?