Friday, June 13, 2014

Catching up. Finally back in town and on-line.

From Kurt Hofmann: Blogger demands justification for NOT banning so-called 'assault weapons' J.A. repeatedly asks, "What am I missing?" Well, rather a lot of things, J.A., chief among them being that no one owes you any justification of our right to own militia-appropriate "regime change rifles."
From David Codrea: Myrtle Beach police seek suspect in Target gun case
Also from David: Family needs help to lay slain Walmart hero to rest
From Herschel Smith: Rapid Reaction Force And Arming Orders
Also from Herschel: The Truth Concerning Open Carry

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The best possible justification for not banning 'assault weapons' is that according to government,
they're only termed 'assault weapons' by them if owned by average citizens. If government has them, they're termed' personal defense weapons'. Not a damn bit of difference except in the ownership designation. Which should actually be the American people since they paid for those in government possession.