Saturday, May 3, 2014

'Bigger than Bundy': Land agency's battles go beyond rancher dispute

If we're to do this dance again, we'd better get our excrement together.
See also: For State Politicians, BLM Dispute is Fertile Turf

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The BLM puts to bed the idea that the "federal government" owns the land and demonstrates that it's simply a possession of the executive solely. For at his sole discretion, the current usurper directs his cabinet office to do whatever he wants.

Guess what. Having "the state" own the ground doesn't solve the problem. Government of republican form isn't supposed to "own" land swaths to begin with!

Part of getting our shit together is operating on the message of what the Constitution commands. Through all of this Bundy scenario it seems that message has gotten lost. We have to put it on em - the power to levy taxation DOES NOT TRUMP every other enumerated boundary!!!