Monday, May 26, 2014

Sorry, you traitorous, blackmailed dog, you've already failed THAT test.

On Memorial Day, (Boehner) asked for “the will and the wisdom to prove worthy of the fallen.”


Gunny G said...

Boehner is a waste of skin and O2.

Anonymous said...

when he turned his back and no one could see, did he start chuckling or break out into a belly laugh after speaking?

Anonymous said...

Of course, in Boehner's mind he has honorably served our nation, having served eight weeks in the Navy before being discharged with a bad back.

Anonymous said...

Boehner could earn some respect if he locked himself in a closet with a one shot pistol and didn't come out until he did the right thing.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Memorial Day would serve a better purpose for politicians if they used it to remember all who died as a result of their votes. Good cause or bad cause, our nations sons and daughters fight and die because of a politician's decision. But then I'm from the school that believes that Memorial Day is Boehner and crews favorite holiday. It commemorates their favorite veterans - those that can't vote anymore.