Saturday, May 3, 2014

I'm sure the subject of Harry Reid's testicles will come up.

A castrato (plural castrati) was a type of male singer with a very high voice. The effect was produced either through castration, or because of some hormonal problems. -- Wikipedia.
Harry Reid practices singing castrato.
I am scheduled to be interviewed on The Alan Colmes radio show on Wednesday at 7:00 PM Eastern. I'm sure the subject of Harry Reid's testicles will come up. All the collectivists seem to be sooooo solicitous about their safety.
Also, the subject made that most august of collectivist rags, The Nation: Why Is the Right Obsessed With Castration?


Anonymous said...

You saw the danger
Signs in the dark
Sons of the stranger

Now we bite
Before they bark

They hunt the preacher
Right next to me
Come see the creature
Swinging on the higher tree

I hear the creature
Singing every song for me

We are, we are
To celebrate
With your shouts of joy

We are, we are
The sound
You're searching for

And not to wait to fall

You find a way
To raise your voice
For the shouts of joy
Shouts of joy

SWIFT said...

I think it is a big mistake to be interviewed by Alan Colmes. He is a first rate piece of shit and will remain so, until they shovel dirt on his face. Neither Alan, or his audience, will be enlightened or swayed to the right, by anything you say. On another note, Leslie Savin is mistaken in thinking that the right is fixated on castration. All the right-wingers I talk to, have "hang-up" about ROPE!

How Sharper than a Serpent's Tooth said...

Re "The Nation"
Coming from a motley crew obsessed with homosexuality, I suppose it's only natural they would not understand a man's fixation on never being "fixed".


Frank in OK said...

I couldn't agree more with Swift - stay clear of that POS Colmes.

Anonymous said...

Skeletor tries to present himself as sooooo libertarian. It's all about CHOICE to him when it's smokin weed. Fair enough. But then he goes all gun control! He's one to INSTANTLY abandon freedom when it comes to guns but mention abortion and wowzers he's right back on that free choice factor. Ask him how he squares his stance on abortion with his stance on gun control - AFTER SETTING IT UP by asking him about weed. He will say weed doesn't kill anyone (overdose) but guns do so it's "different". Then toss in abortion. He will fold like a cheap suit.

I suspect he will be easily cornered regarding the Bundy situation also.

Mike, Alan's game is smugness SO be well rested and ready to think on your feet along the lines above. Give him a dose of his own medicine.

I got fifty bucks that says he will slide a snide "question" in there about "broken windows".

Mike, nobody ever asks Alan how he squares his flip flopping positions across contexts - especially how he plays the freedom card MORE on non enumerated rights while dismissing one in particular that IS!

One more - he is DEAD SET against voter ID but all for "universal background checks". There's a "why is it different" point to be made there also. Oh and when he cries about Citizens showing up with GUNS, point out that gubmint BLM brought guns FIRST! That line will force him to admit that he's one who thinks gubmint is the ONLY ONES who should have guns....

Glad you got the invite. Please use it wisely - knowing that the hard left seeks ONLY to set you up for a sound bite to nail you.

Anonymous said...

Like most politicians, Reid's "huervos" are undoubtedly owned by one ore more special interests, with a file to back them up.

If he is concerned, maybe an agency has some XS Kevlar protectors he can have.

Gulo gulo is unpredictable, and found in the wild in many places. Best sdvice is leave the sharp stick at home.

CzarChasmIII said...

I'm not sure what the up-side of going on the Colmes show might be, but then, I trust your judgment and your instincts for strategic appearances. Only Mike Vanderboegh could make me hold my nose through an Alan Colmes interview, but I'll be there. Give 'em Hell!

Anonymous said...

Great, another interview with a liberal. I hope you don't further the traitorous message of this infiltrator that you support.

Harry Reid could not have made a better case against freedom than this "Oath Keeper" and nightclub promoter. His competitors have been fined and shut down by Metro Police but somehow he sails through without problems, joins the Oath Keepers, then a couple of weeks later makes it to their board meeting as a "witness" an then goes out to liberal talk shows to make the case for gun control and prosecution of the militia and any who dared to commit the "criminal act" of pointing weapons at BLM officers who were pointing weapons at them.

I'm "a wonderin" how long it will take you to wake up, or just profess your allegiance to the other side.

Here's your boy:

Dakota said...

..... and exactly what do you think you are going to accomplish with a dickhead like Alan Colmes.

IMO this is a big mistake Mike. Nothing good can come from it.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Vanderbeogh,
I need you to clear something up if you don't mind. This quote from the article linked below:

"Vanderboegh said he once worked as a warehouse manager but now lives on government disability checks. He said he receives $1,300 a month because of his congestive heart failure, diabetes and hypertension. He has private health insurance through his wife, who works for a company that sells forklift products."

It's also been stated that you've been receiving these checks for over twenty years.

Not judging, just curious.

HappyClinger said...

Alan Colmes? Is he still at it? Good grief. I hope you reach some of those leftwing loons, if he lets you get a word in. Be prepared to have yourself cut off every time you start to make a point.

Dutchman6 said...

"It's also been stated that you've been receiving these checks for over twenty years."

Less than ten, actually. It was suggested by my doctor after I was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. My ejection fraction was so poor that he recommended that I get away from the stress of a 8-5 job or it would surely kill me. I applied and was granted it immediately -- without reference to a lawyer. Between the diabetes, hypertension and CHF, the claims processor told me it was a no-brainer, and that was well before I was diagnosed with stomach cancer. It was quite embarrassing, actually as I had been working full time since I was 17 and proud of it.

However, I have never been one to sit at home and I simply did what I could with what I had -- and got more involved in the fight for the Founders' Republic.

When the collectivists were looking for some issue to attack me in the aftermath of the call for a window war in 2010, they immediately latched on to my "hypocrisy" for taking the $1,300 a month. I explained to one reporter up in DC that I was simply using the old guerrilla trick of existing off the substance of the enemy. In any case, I asked, was she simply jealous that I was getting my own social security dollars back out when she would likely never see a dime of hers? Her eyes crossed, and she flushed red, but made no rebuttal.

As for going on Colmes' show, you have to understand that his audience is exactly the one I am seeking. It is they who need to be reminded of the law of unintended consequences, not y'all. I will endeavor to go amongst the heathen and try to bring a little enlightenment. Beside, talking about their obsession with Harry Reid's testicles ought to be fun.

j said...

Glad you're back, brother. Just got my electricity back this afternoon, so a little behind on reading articles, but the prayers never slacken.

Anonymous said...

Harry Reid has testicles?

You're kidding, right?


Capitalist Eric said...

Looking forward to your after action report. This is one of the few times I regret unplugging my TV some 7 years ago. OTOH, having to sit through the commercials and run-up to your interview, maybe I don't regret it *too* much.
If there's a link to the video I promise to watch. ;-)

Anonymous said...

q) What do you call fifty bankers jumping out of a building?

a) Evolution!

q) What do you call fifty BLM agents taking on the militia?

a) Evolution, too!

UglyAmerican said...

"My nuts are THIS big!" - Harry Reid

Anonymous said...

For the life of me I can't understand why you would write an entire blog on that Payne character based on speculation, then gloss over the blatant treason of the Oath Keeper on their video and on the Ralston show.

After listening to you for a long time and feeling a sense of relief that there are those out there, like yourself, who are willing to fight for freedom, I think I'm done here.

Holden McGroin said...

@ Capitalist Eric - the show will be on radio, so no TV required.

Anonymous said...

Alan Colmes? You realize you're throwing yourself to the jackals, right?