Tuesday, March 4, 2014

'Gun loving liberals' are welcome to the debate, but who can they vote for?

Any ally in the fight against the forcible citizen disarmament jihad is welcome, but before the Liberal Gun Club can contribute much to that fight, they're going to have to cultivate a brand of politician nearly unheard of these days: the truly "pro-gun progressive" politician. That's a tall order.


Sean said...

It would be like adopting a werewolf into your family, and leaving it to look after your infant, while you shop for groceries. These so called Liberal Gun Owners are false flag, full of shit,Trojan Horses. In the news right now, it shows the govt. is sending these idiots onto the web to disturb and muddy the waters. Duh. Serve two masters?

Anonymous said...

Conservatives have the same problem, just to a lesser extent.

100% of Democrats can't be trusted (as even those few with the personal inclination can be coerced by the party platform), and 80% of Republicans (who may give lip service but fail or compromise under the slightest pressure). There are incredibly few absolute constitutionalists for anyone to vote for.

Replace them. Help find and support worthy candidates and vote for them. Where there are no worthy candidates vote anti incumbent and let them know why and what it will take to gain your support.

Anonymous said...

Put "Gun Loving Liberal" in the oxymoron bucket along with Tactical Nuclear Weapon and (one of my personal favorites) Cherry Tart.

Anonymous said...

Why not start a Coalition of Liberty and just for for "none of the above traitors"

Yank lll